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New World Order Lyrics

Where hath the apostles gone?
Joining hands with wicked ones.
Revelation has come to pass,
New World Order will hold the mass!

A book written by the man,
Used to control and command.
All rights will be denied,
Without the mark you shall die!

No confession, all is known! (All is known!)
New World Order, you shall be shown! (Shall be shown!)

Monitoring all wages,
New World Order comes in stages.
Currency is obsolete,
Feel the agony of defeat!

Symbol of society today,
A must have or you shall pay!
As human flesh leads the mind,
Just a pawn, the last martyr dies!
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

If you don't know about the New World Order, you really need to watch the free movies by Alex Jones. http://tinyurl.com/yoz4ea

Also make sure to check out Alex's News Website at www.InfoWars.com

@bloodomen F%$# YEAH ALEX JONES! I think its funny af that no one can successfully interpret these lyrics its sad at the same time. ill do a full interpretation when i have the time.

@bloodomen F%$# YEAH ALEX JONES! I think its funny af that no one can successfully interpret these lyrics its sad at the same time. ill do a full interpretation when i have the time.

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

Sweet song. As for the meaning I really, don't know, though I have a feeling it could be asking what happened to Christianity in modern times, when they need it, and that god is well and truely dead. Could be?!?!?

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

No, it's about how the Governments will undermine Christianity in the New World Order, which is the real name for the coming times. Read the Book of Revelation. If you have a good knowledge of history, much will then make sense. Just figure out the metaphores.

oh yeah dude.. i second ur interpretation... dat iz xactly wat it means

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Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

tis a pretty good song. im not entirely sure what the meaning behind this song is either but ill trust mumin on this one.

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

Reject RFID Chips and be a Christian, brothers!

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

of course everybody knows it will be a jew who is the antichrist here to destroy christianity they call him the super jew

in case you don't know i'm just kidding

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

by just reading the lyrics piece by piece, this what MY opinion, thoughts are about some pieces. it's only my first impression, what comes up in me when i read the sentence.

Where hath the apostles gone? Joining hands with wicked ones.

something about fake belief, or better, about current religion, that has changed his own views, an doesn't fit well with the original thoughts. the sentence: ''Joining hands with wicked ones.'' it think of it as a religion changing it's ideals to correspond to a greater public, losing it's original values. the wicked ones, demons? satan? by changing your point of faith, you become more of a sinner?

Revelation has come to pass, New World Order will hold the mass!

something like a event that happened, giving power to controll the masses, or maybe like the religion has gained a new point of view(as i stated before, to appeal to a greater public) and that it has worked well, and many more people will follow this religion.

A book written by the man, Used to control and command.

my first impression is a law book, but more closely linked to the theme of my analysis, a holy book(wich in some cultures is the same as the law)

All rights will be denied, Without the mark you shall die!

discrimination begins, people will be marked as different from the believers of the main religion, only one religion is allowed, and the others will be executed, like happened in the early roman empire(first i was thinking about the second world war, what has been done to the jews(the star mark)but this is more accurate to my thinking)

No confession, all is known! (All is known!) New World Order, you shall be shown! (Shall be shown!)

the new government(linked to religion, as only one religion is allowed) is hunting down people with a different religion(as happened to the early christians) with the use of insiders or traitors, my first thought is Judas(i'm not english, but thats what he's called in my language, i mean the one who betrayed Jesus:))

Monitoring all wages, New World Order comes in stages. Currency is obsolete, Feel the agony of defeat!

i don't really know what to make of this, something like the upcoming of christianity in steps(New World Order comes in stages.), meaning a new world order. the sentence Feel the agony of defeat! fits with it meaning the government will lose it's war on christianity. currency is obselete means that if there is no hate or something like that in the world, currency will be made unnecceceary, as it will only bring sorrow and greed or desire. at least that's what i think.

Symbol of society today, meaning that religion nowadays symbolises the political views of a coutry in many ways

A must have or you shall pay! As human flesh leads the mind,

i really can't put my finger on these sentences. A must have or you shall pay, my first thought is that you will be looked down on for having a different religion, but contradicting to the modern times, where i think these last 4 sentences are about.

As human flesh leads the mind, lol my first thought on this is that humans begin to think only about human flesh, about sex. it can also mean that humans begin to think more about others, in a good way, or a bad way(i think bad)

Just a pawn, the last martyr dies!
about losing the final principles of religion, losing all fate. the last martyr in this sentence resembles the last remaining principles. a martyr in this sentence means a rule or a way of life to me, you get what i mean. just a pawn, well, this last martyr is being used by someone else or something like that, to gain a person a benefit, or save something dear. my thought as i write this down is that it is Jesus, who is being arrested to keep the peace between the jews and the romans by pontius pilatus(something like that, you get who i mean)

well, this is it, i hope you can shar even something of these thoughts with me, a few thing i have to note though:

  • i'm not english, so i you don't get what i'm saying, please ask, and i try to explain it, sometimes it's hard for me to explain myself in english
  • these are my beliefs, i was raised as a christian, but i have sorta dropped my religion, i don't follow it really, i'm more a man of science, a atheist, although i like the meanings in religions so i like observing different religions
  • i don't use any references during the writing of this, so it can be i say stupid things.
  • i did find most thing's out during writing, so the last sentences don't really go in line with the first if you look at the whole story. and lastly, i want to say that these are my first thoughts, i didn't think it out, i just write what comes up in me

that's all, enjoy:P feel free to ask questions or criticise me

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

damn, it took me 45 minutes, i don't want to do this again:P

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

I think this song is either a reinterpretation or takes its inspiration from Revelations in The Bible. "A symbol of society today, a must have or you shall pay" and "all rights will be denied, without the mark youshalldie" is the mark of the beast, which all people must have on their right hands or foreheads to buy or sell in society ("or you shall pay" meaning suffer consequences). "Monitoring all wages, New World Order comes in stages, currency is obsolete" is also talking about the mark taking over for currency.

This New World Order subsumes the religion of the day, whose apostles join hands with wicked ones. There is a new holy book (a book written by man, used to control and command) and the religion is used to control the people (New World Order will hold a mass).

I read that the song New World Order was written in 1991, which was before Alex Jones came to prominence. I would recommend getting information for yourself and not taking Alex Jones' word for it. When it comes down to it, Alex Jones is an entertainer (film producer, author, and radio show host). He does not make his money on (and is not incentivised for) presenting facts an unbiased or dispassionate way.

Cover art for New World Order lyrics by Megadeth

I just found out about New World Order. Since I found out I've discovered it in many lyrics... as well as the bible. I've been having dreams for a while. I've also not trusted the government for the longest time. I had no knowledge of politics really so not trusting the government made no sense. I've had thoughts that they've been building armies for a while now. I was always sceptical of the UK not having the funds to sort out the NHS. They are preparing to obliterate each other.

The New World Order/Illuminati is taking advantage of good people and using them for bad things. Hitler was used for the same reason during World War 2. He was thought of as a crazy man without remorse but was it ever considered that he was being controlled by something? Why did he kill himself following mass murder? Was it because he was 'crazy' or because he found out what he'd done following the war.. all of these things had come flooding in to his mind and destroyed him? He realised he had been used as a pawn for pure evil.

Everyone who has the power to control the masses are being used to distract people as they save taxes, build their armies and plot the genocide. Music, alcohol & drugs... are all ways for this evil to get to us.

The word Alcohol actually derives from the word “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT”

I've found out about all of this in the past 3 weeks and all I want to do is hold my family and friends tight... because it's coming and no one that isn't saved will be saved. I hate being opened up to all of this doom and gloom in the world, I feel like I've been walking around blind, but my eyes are finally open.