63 Meanings
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Jerk-Off Lyrics

Someone told me once
That there's a right and wrong,
And that punishment
Would come to those
Who dare to cross the line.
But it must not be true
For jerk-offs just like you.
Maybe it takes longer to catch a total asshole.
But I'm tired of waiting.
Maybe it's just bullshit and I should play God,
And shoot you myself
Because I'm tired of waiting.
Consequences dictate
Our course of action
And it doesn't matter what's right.
It's only wrong if you get caught.
If consequences dictate
My course of action
I should play God
And shoot you myself
I'm very tired of waiting.
I should
Kick you,
Beat you,
Fuck you,
And then shoot you in your fucking head
Song Info
Submitted by
dank On Nov 26, 2001
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63 Meanings

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Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

Obviously MJK explaining that no one person should be able to say what is wrong or what is right. And the "Jerk-offs" who set the standard for what is socially acceptable and what is not, have no right to set the standard.

"It's only wrong if you get caught." Means the "Jerk'offs" who set the standards do not follow them. Therefore he is tired of waiting for them to get caught in their wrong doings.

That is just my interpretation.

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

You can feel Maynard's rage in the entire album, and in undertow as well. I think it comes out most in this song, "Shoot you in your fucking head."

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

I think he's referring to nazis or any groups who think that they are above the law- right and wrong don't apply, maybe he is talking about the "assholes" as idiots like this as termites or roaches that need to be "systematically removed". I mean you look at extreme right-wing skinhead websites and it just makes you feel sick, Like when i listen to this song, it makes me think of people like David Duke etc. and what needs to be done to them, whenever i hear of someone i hate i think of this song.

@sta515 What a shit take. You denounce "nazis" and then express a desire to kill the people you hate and disagree with. I bet you didn't even see the hypocrisy.

Yeah I just replied to a 15-year-old post. Oh well.

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

There's a dichotomy between the song lyrics being quite obvious in themselves (quite literal) and an interpretation of 'playing God' by masturbation or whatever. You know the stuff we release is actually living? It's alive? Don't you think we're playing God? This song is questioning your morals and whether there is a right or wrong. You can also see how they are a parallel to each other. If you interpret the lyrics fully you can see how he can actually be talking about himself in reference to masturbation. You can see how how the lyrics can be interpreted to be about the listener themselves, when obviously the literal interpretation would be about someone else, would it not? Then obviously you can see how we are all subject to criticism in our mode of morals. Judge not lest ye be judged or w/e.

This song also discusses karma. Karma in the Buddhist sense literally means action. There is no God judging whether or not what you do is 'right' or 'wrong', what you do will have a reaction and that reaction will eventually ripple on and on until it comes back to you. It's interesting how both of the interpretations I have listed discuss killing life. Life in the form of sperm isn't going to achieve great things compared to human life. We think human life is unique because we have the ability to help other people, to act with compassion, we are not drawn by instinct only. So you can see how there is less of a moral implication of wasting sperm, but does it make it any less right or wrong? That's for you to decide.

This also leads to the point of what would happen if you were to kill someone that would eventually go and kill others. Very controversial. I think what we should do is not kill people who are a danger to others but help them. This is my moral obligation, and my version of 'helping' people may be dogmatic. Some people don't want help do they? Or what is help? We are all unique are we not? Or are we all more similar than we'd like to believe?

You know, this song is very charming in the way it's expression is so truthful to it's lyrics. Maynard sounds a bit like a little kid. If someone were to wrong you would you immediately wrong them back?

My Interpretation
Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

I think it's about how I like to jerk off my neighbor's cat...

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

It seems pretty simple to me. From the time you're a child you're told not to do things because of the consequences, and so many people grow up fearing the consequences and do what they're told, but so many people get away with commiting an act without any consequences. Life will always be unfair, jerk offs will still be praised because it really is harder to catch a total asshole because they are so much more manipulative. How many times in a day do you steal, sneak or lie... because you know you wont get caught??? Most feel no guilt, unless they get caught and have to face the music. When you don't have to take responsibility for your actions, why make the right choices?

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

What the is there to figure out here...read the lyrics...there is no ing meaning behind this song. True assholes have no real concept of right and wrong and no conscience, just fear of prosecution. It's an angry song about your typical asshole that should be shot but always slips through the cracks. That's not a decipher...that's what he says...F***!!!

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

Has anybody ever read the play An Inspector Calls? It pretty much summs up what this songs about. If you do something wrong and dont get caught, does that make it less/not wrong? (Your inclined to say no to this from the play). If consequenses dicktate my course of action... And yeah, its lining that with the thaught of 'if bad things happen to bad people, why is nothing bad happening to this jerk-off? Maybe it takes longer for bad things to happen to a tottal asshole'.

Course its only my opinion, but Im pretty convinced on this one.

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

Straight up jamtastic. This song gets me excited about going to work,so you know it's good.

Cover art for Jerk-Off lyrics by Tool

This song is about the fucked up ethics sytem we have and taking justice into your own hands.