Zerosum Lyrics

This is a great song to listen to while you driving down the highway. Just watch out for those speeding tickets. There is something about SBB that just makes you get angry and want to change things in your life. This song is really awesome because of the opening bass and lyrics, "up and down just to see you smile with a cup of tea"!

yah this song is great, is the girl dead, or is was she going to die but didn't? I can't tell, i mean he says "i woke up by a phone call from my mom, i tried not to cry." but he also says "i think your stronger for wanting to stay alive." so is she dead or alive?

she's alive

oh good... i was just... lost

this song is amazing, i mean i know everybody always says "oh yeah its really really great" but i mean it, the lyrics are something else, and the bass is awesome, especially the openin. "i think you're stronger for wanting to stay alive" that really hits something in me, because its true..

yah, i wasn't sure if the girl was alive either, i wonder if it's based off of the singers life or something, maybe his girlfriend getting hit by a car or something.

I think the girl tried to commit suicide but failed. 'then i remembered that i saw your eyes and not the rain' ^she had a problem.. she was sad. 'sitting on the bathroom floor asking "why?" i think your stronger for wanting to stay alive.' I think the "why?" is directed to the girl, why she tried to kill herself. Beautiful lyrics.

fucking beautiful.

Every time I read these lyrics a tear comes to my eye. Beautiful.