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The Cannons And Tanks Lyrics

i know that this might sound strange, but i can't think of a better way to say that if i could find the words i'd tear them out of my throat and crush them into your eyes. so i wrote myself a list of things that i've been meaning to say. i forced them out of my head, but i can't find your eyes. i try to call it a truce, approach you crush them out of my life, convince you. a walk is all that i need; this ambiguity feels like a knife in me. sixteen blocks without any thanks, i feel that i think the cannons and tanks. all of these wars that i try to explain get defused so many times so i play with my shoes, i've learned to untie them with my eyes. i try to call it a truce, approach you crush them out of my life, convince you. call it a truce, crush them out of my life.
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

Great Great song. I love it

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

"so i play with my shoes, i've learned to untie them with my eyes." The coolest lyrics i've heard in a while.

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

tsucol, i love that lyric but i dont understand it. anyone help explain the imagery?

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

pr0le... i think that what he's sayin is basically that sooo much shit is going on inside of his head ( all the wars that i try to explain get defused.....) that he has been struggling so hard inside and everything was mixed up so much that he finally got it and now he had control over himself, like its just a metaphor like he has learned to untie them with his eyes cuz he has struggled so hard for so long and now he's got it....well thats at least what im thinking, somewhere along those lines

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

to me this song is about someone who is furious about something, has so much to say, but of course, doesn't know how to say it. he is so filled with emotion and he wants to convey it with actions since he can't by saying the words. sometimes he feels irrational for the way he feels or the way he's acting, so he gets confused about whether or not this is right. when he says 'a walk is all that i need' he wants to let off steam so that he can be more calm and collected when he talks to her, so that he is able to convince her that it's finally ending, to get her completely out of his life. he doesn't want anymore of the wars that she creates inside of him.

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

orgasm's i've been looking for these lyrics everywhere! what a wonderful song. when i tried to write them out myself it came out: "all the wars/words that i tried to explain get confused so many times so i played with my shoes i learned to indite it with my eyes" and i liked it better cause it made it sound like he'd get so frustrated he'd just play with his shoes and think about what he had to say in his head and just blocked her out which is what i always do. but i totally agree with pearlysara. this is such a beautiful song.

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

the whole cd is amazing, i can't wait to go see them in 2 weeks.

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

Looking for these lyrics everywhere? Funny, they are inside the cd in the liner notes. If you love em so much, why not go out to your local indie store and pick up each of their cds. If you have no indie music stores near you, order it from no idea. If you love em, support em. Oh, by the way, Small brown Bike are amazing. Very unique sound. Anyone checked out the members side projects?

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

this was the first song i heard by SBB. they are awesome. I think the shoes part of the song is about how he has so much shit he would like to say but he could never get it of his chest so i got him down and if you look at your shoes your head is down which means depression, thats just how i looked at it.

Cover art for The Cannons And Tanks lyrics by Small Brown Bike

rip sbb
