I Will Bury You in Me Lyrics

I sit above the rooms of our home. Expose myself to a loss that I've known. No clouds exist in this blue sky. I use my sense for the first time. My hands hold on to the horizon. Can't catch my breath, so I stop trying. This small part of me counts down mathematically. It will bury me with you. I am here for just a short time. You've been gone for this stretch of my life. Please live through me. Now this tragedy becomes reality to our family. I am here for just a short time. You've been gone for this stretch of my life. This small part of me counts down mathematically. It will bury me with you.
5 Meanings
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Isn't this song called "i will BURY you in me"?

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this is my favorite sbb song of all time!! it took a while to grow on me, because it's the last song on the album i didn't get around to listening to it for a while, but once i payed attention i fell in love. the intro/outro are so pretty, this song is thoroughly depressing, but it a great way. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH

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SBB is genius. i just discovered them today but i'm already in love. this song is so sadening and so multifacceted; i can just feel it pulling me into it. pulling me into a grave with him.

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good song

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yes, it is. derp.

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