Day for Night Lyrics
I can't wait 'til the time is right
Like a gun waits for war
Like the sun waiting for a light
Get it done in just half a day
'Neath the sweltering sky
Get it done, don't ask why
Living day for night
Don't you want to live my way?
Why you want to keep trying?
You never get it right
When you could be
Living day for night
There's no dancing in between
Why not let it go?
There's no sense being so extreme
Act instead
There's no life living in your head
The director's long gone
Still the play goes on
And on and on . . . come on!
So you disappeared
Into your head
There's no freshness
In your feelings
So you feel like
Going back to bed
As the mercury rises
There are still some surprises
There's no time
There's no end in sight
Not a moment to lose
There's no voice
You can't choose

Why is there no comments on this song? Or barely any on other SB songs?
Anyway, it's about what the title says: Try something different, and stay out all night, and sleep through the day, or something like that. The message is essentially to try something new.

I disagree pirate- This song is not about sleeping through the day but it's about ebracing the day! Neal for a while was all about the sleeping during the day and partying and music every night but I think when he wrote this song he was at a point where he is trading his previous nightlife for living for the day (as mercury rises still some surprises) He forgave his night time party life and realizes that that is not the only fulfilling life.

I agree, it simply seems to be about that it's good to have a proper sleeping schedule. I mess with this as well, so some lines seem very clear to me.. " There's no sense being so extreme, Act instead, There's no life living in your head". Stop to dream, and do what is obviously the best. Give up your dream world, but face life like it is.

I feel like it's more about losing control of yourself through nightlife. "Day for night" is a movie term for when they shoot night scenes during the day, with a tinted lense. So, day and night are backwards. "The director's long gone, still the play goes on and on and on...." There is no direction, anymore. "Your dreams were disappearing so you disappeared into your head", "There's no voice, you can't choose..." You are stuck in a pattern, and it isn't fun anymore.