Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) Lyrics
To the next whiskey bar.
Oh don't ask why,
Oh don't ask why.
Show me the way
To the next whiskey bar.
Oh don't ask why,
Oh don't ask why.
The next whiskey bar,
I tell you we must die.
I tell you we must die.
I tell you,
I tell you,
I tell you we must die.
We now must say goodbye.
We've lost our good old momma.
And must have whiskey,
Oh you know why.
We now must say goodbye.
We've lost our good old momma.
And must have whiskey,
Oh you know why.
Oh don't ask why,
Oh don't ask why.
Show me the way
To the next little girl.
Oh don't ask why,
Oh don't ask why.
The next little girl,
I tell you we must die.
I tell you we must die.
I tell you,
I tell you,
I tell you we must die.
We now must say goodbye.
We've lost our good old momma
And must have whiskey,
Oh you know why.

LOL at you people who are telling these long anecdotes about how Jim wrote this song because of something that happened at the Whiskey A-Go Go, or it's and old Russian song, or bla bla. This song was written by the iconic German playwright Bertolt Brecht for Hauspostille in 1927, then put to music later by Kurt Weill for the musical Mahagonny, co-written by Weill and Brecht.
Ray Manzarek had this musical on vinyl, and all of the Doors listened to it thinking it was weird and would fit their style well. So they added it to the album (without attributing it to its rightful songwriters!)
The version they made is quite a bit different from the Kurt Weill version. Nevertheless, it is an amazing rock song, one of my favorites of theirs. But no, Jim did not write this, and neither did the "old Russians."
(If you don't believe me, watch the VH1 Classic Albums documenting The Doors first album. Hear it in their own words.)
Damn people, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk...
no harsh man "if you dont know what youre talking about, dont talk" it isn't about we don't know what we talk....we talk what we know.
no harsh man "if you dont know what youre talking about, dont talk" it isn't about we don't know what we talk....we talk what we know.

This is a great sing a long song when you are extremely drunk.

man i love the beat to this song. heh, its seems like the Doors like theyre whiskey like they like their women.....12 years old.

the doors didn't even write this song, so buddy it has nothing to do with the doors this song was written by kurt weill and performed 1st by lotta lenya then the doors sang it, then bowie changed most of the wrds.. thats some of the history of the song, but i tell you its not about anything to do with the doors, Jim morrison can relate to the song, but its not about him,alright? alright!

Actually this song originally comes from a poem or better said a "song" of Bert Brecht And the music was performed by Kurt Weill

this song is kind of hard to uderstand because its not abgout what you think. The Doors were banned from the whiskey ago go for bein too crazy and saying what the said in "the end" Jim wrote this song saying that he wanted to the same thing only with the rest of the world, he pissed off the producers at the Ed sullivan show, always gettin into trouble with police. He liked pissing people off and used the Whiskey ago go as an example of what he wanted to do therefore he wanted to find the way to the next whiskey bar (another place to piss people off)
yea dog! I like your song meaning for this song. You summed it up perfectly!
yea dog! I like your song meaning for this song. You summed it up perfectly!
This would make sense, except that Jim didn't write this song, it's a cover(albeit an amazing one).
This would make sense, except that Jim didn't write this song, it's a cover(albeit an amazing one).

Jim wanted to spread the word "WAKE UP"!!!!!!!!! wake up from this delivered dream we were free in our mothers womb and shackled at birth, Jim says WAKE UP we can be free again we must own our minds
Amen to that! at least some people in this world are... slowly, but surely everyone will be awake.
Amen to that! at least some people in this world are... slowly, but surely everyone will be awake.

i need a shot of whiskey.... did i say a shot better make 2, better yet make it 3 or 4 or 5 enough to keep me on the ground or in the toliet

This song is amazing to sing when your harmmerd, espeacily if your feeling lonely.

Actually.... Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist in the doors had old records of German showtunes, so they found this song and used it. I might have interpreted this wrong though, but oh well.