A Little Respect Lyrics
And if I should falter, would you open your arms out to me? We can make love not war, and live in peace with our hearts; I'm so in love with you; I'll be forever blue; What religion or reason could drive a man to forsake his lover? Don't you tell me no. . . Soul. I hear you calling; Oh baby please, give a little respect to me.
I'm so in love with you; I'll be forever blue; That you give me no reason, you know you're making me work so hard; That you give me no. Soul. I hear you calling. Oh baby, please give a little respect to me. Oh baby, please give a little respect to me.

rob loves this song, and group!! y?!!!

i like wheatus' lyrics:) i like the lead singers voice too

me too. i like his hats.

Simply about a guy who does everything to keep his girlfriend happy and she walks all over him. He's probably tired of it but is too nice to say anything, so he lets her treat him bad. He's probably insecure about the relationship anyway...

I think this is a great cover of the this song. It was originally done by Erasure, but i still like this version much better. Wheatus kicks ass.

kick ass song, what ever happened to wheatus?

They disappeared off the face of the earth once the afterglow from their one hit faded. You're welcome.

nah man they didnt disappear. they released a new cd, then got dropped by sony, and released a third cd entitled "suck fony"

Wheatus suck cock and murdered this song!

fucking brilliant cover for this song, only thing which rruined it was the distortion being prolonged at the ending... Personally, i belive this song could also mean a guys incredible amount of effort put in to pursue a girl only to always get layed off (plays hard to get) And the feelings he has for her are sooo strong, it hurts eg."Give a little respect ....tOoooooo MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"