Promises Lyrics
You better believe what I say
You better hold on to your promises
Because you bet, you'll get what you deserve
She's going to leave him over
She's going to take her love away
So much for your eternal vows, well
It doesn't not matter away
Stay here a while, stay with me
All the meaningless and empty words
I prayed, prayed, prayed
Oh, all the promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words
What of all the things that you'd say?
What of all your prophetic preaching?
You're just throwing it all away
Maybe we should burn the house down
Have ourselves another fight
Leave the cobwebs in the closet
Because tearing them out is just not right
Stay here a while, stay with me, oh, oh
All the meaningless and empty words
I prayed, prayed, prayed
Oh, all the promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words
Oh eh, oh eh, oh eh, oh eh, oh eh
Oh eh, oh eh, oh eh, oh eh, oh eh

This song means what it says.... When you are in love you make so many promises ... so many promises you break later...

It's about marriage and divorce...and the empty promises that comes with that.

This painful song has many beutiful layers: 1.Lovers promises broken in a painful retrospective of a break up or divorce (Dolores indeed divorced - years afetr the song was written).
- A man looking back at his life and his promises to himslef, finding out he did not fulfill his dreams one bit.
- A society looking back and seeing how large is the potential of humans living together in a society, and how human greed and hatered turned it all into a disgusting mix of poverty, corruption, wars, destruction of nature, and bigotry of all sorts.

This song has really grown on me. Great stuff. It's really a self explanetory lyric.

This song has really grown on me. Great stuff. It's really a self explanetory lyric.

Fantastic song. Don't know about the lyrics. Decent I guess.

the lyrics pretty much explain themselves. i love this song...i remember seeing it on tv loooong ago, but i never caught who sang it or what it was called. it was years later i heard it again and it all came rushing back to me..awesome song, holds alot of meaning, and truth.=)

I heard this song a while back, but I never got a chance to really listen to it. And now going through my old CDs I came by this song...and voila! I love it - time changes tastes eh? Fantastic song, guitar (god I love it) and drums and the Voice!!

yeah, it's a great song about divorce. the live version's better tho

yeh i never saw it about marriage but it seems to be that. they're marriage is breaking... promises were broken and all the words were fake and meaningless in thier relationship.