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When Two Worlds Collide Lyrics

My telescope looks out
into the stars tonight
A little speck of light
seems twice the size tonight
The Calculations are so fine
can it be growing all the Time?

Now I can't believe its true
and I don't know what to do
For the hundredth time
I check the declination

Now the fear starts to grow
even my computer shows
There are no errors in the calculations

Now it's happened take no other view
Collision course, you must believe it's true
Now there's nothing left that we can do

When Two Worlds collide
The anger and the pain
Of all those who remain
Two worlds collide
Who will be left alive
No place to hide

When Two Worlds Collide
The anger, the pain
Of those who remain
When two worlds collide
When two worlds collide
So who will survive
there's No place to hide
When Two Worlds collide
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

The theme of this song is pretty obvious, it's about a meteoride colliding with earth. I think it is based on either the film Deep Impact or Armageddon.

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

I don't care what the Blaze-haters say, this is an awesome song.

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

I may be flat out wrong. But, I always instantiate Iron Maiden songs into the first person perspective. I always feel they have something to say about the complexity of mental life, and speak in highly analogous ways about the arrangement, splay, flux of how (one) psyche inhabits the mind. I feel there is, in most cases, enough support for the impressions I get from Maiden songs. 'my telescope looks out into the stars tonight' equates to I am looking out through my peep hole at many others, miasmic darkness illuminated by infinite points of light, things being perceived illuminates a world which would be black without beings to illuminate it, 'a little speck of light', relatively, that is the speaker, 'seems twice the size tonight' is interesting, something along the idea of I squared, I am perceiving at double intensity or clarity, 'calculations are so fine': i have rationalized this feeling, i cannot deny it, it doesn't seem likely i am imagining it, 'can it be growing all the time': upon perceiving this exponentiation within myself, every time it seems more and more intense. To say, it would not be coherent to rationalize myself into some form of acceptance only to doubt the truth of this sensation on the next prompt. "it is happening", you do this every time. 'now i don't know what to do, and i can't believe its true' resumes this, 'for the hundreth time i check...' you get it. "now the fear starts to grow, as i check the computer (by this I think he means interface, the image before himself, and exponentiation goes wild as he is able to see the same phenomena happening behind the interface of others), "its happening take no other view" to mean yes, yes, you had better believe it, doubt is your enemy. And when you encounter another, this will be happening, an unaccountable collision course, sparks flying everywhere every sensation irrationalizable but present, and you better believe its true. What gets interesting, is the anger and pain of all those who remain. Maiden has an intricate view on the psyche. My stab

@hehkate Nice thoughts! :)

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

the song is in truth about a metoride or commit colliding with earth, however (i think) the song is ment to be taken metaphorically, the word "worlds" can mean planets and metors, but also can refer to differant groups of people. when thinking of it like this an example of when two worlds collided was when The Catholics and the Prodistants crossed paths, resulting in the crusades etc.

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

Yup, most definitely about Earth being hit by a meteor, comet, asteroid, planet (not probable), etc. Don't think it really has the meaning Nemy gave it (of course you can give a song any meaning you want), but it just doesn't sound like it, besides, the Crusades were most definitely not between Catholics and Protestants but between Catholics and Muslims.

@ZioShirai Although the Catholics did crusade (the Albigensian Crusades) against the Cathars (a non-Catholic sect) in 1244, which gave us the Iron Maiden song "Montsegur"! (It also destroyed the Occitan nobility which supported the medieval troubadours, so it had a musical plus and minus, I guess).

@ZioShirai Although the Catholics did crusade (the Albigensian Crusades) against the Cathars (a non-Catholic sect) in 1244, which gave us the Iron Maiden song "Montsegur"! (It also destroyed the Occitan nobility which supported the medieval troubadours, so it had a musical plus and minus, I guess).

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

Sorry about the repeat...anyways, I also wanted to comment that Blaze is a pretty good singer, he just has an obviously lower vocal range than Bruce, Bruce in fact probably has problems singing some of Blaze's songs, which doesn't matter since most people don't want to listen to them (even if in the Blaze era they made many superb songs). Guess people just are closed to a little change. Virtual XI nevertheless isn't a good album, The X Factor is.

@ZioShirai Great comment, I do love Virtual XI though... The songs are not as gritty but still very passionate! ;)

@ZioShirai Some of Blaze's songs turned up in Bruce's later tours - Clansman, Sign of the Cross, Lord of the Flies, Man on the Edge, and Futureal. I agree - Bruce doesn't always sound great on them. Both singers sound best in their own range! (I have a bootleg of the Virtual XI tour, and Blaze sounds better live on his own material than Bruce sometimes does on his own!)

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

I guess I can see where the whole religious aspect came from, but I think everyone is looking into this WAY too far. Iron Maiden does a lot of movie/book/story interpretations and this is another one, about the great book "When Worlds Collide" look it up for some more info. If you're into sci-fi, its a great old one that is literally about what would would happen if Earth collided with another planet.

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

Maiden's songs often have a sci-fi/horror/history/adventure theme to them. Sometimes they might just be about what they seem to be, sometimes there's a subtext or double-meaning (e.g. all the songs about "running on and on" or "marching on and on" that popped up after their massive Powerslave tour). This song, on the surface, is a sci-fi story about an large asteroid hitting the earth and causing destruction, but (according to Steve Harris in the first edition of the "Run to the Hills" book), Blaze (who wrote the lyrics) was probably also making a comment of how his previous life suddenly "collided" with the world of being in a major rock band when he joined Iron Maiden and was thrust in to the big league.

@Heavymetalharp That totally makes sense. It would have been a huge adjustment for Blaze... It was also a pretty intense/ dark time in the band's career with all sorts of personal things going on too... To be thrown into the situation would have been crazy!

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

i like this one. blaze is ok i guess. his singing style just doesnt suit much of iron maidens work. he probably would do well singing things from the Di'anno years though...

Cover art for When Two Worlds Collide lyrics by Iron Maiden

Yup, most definitely about Earth being hit by a meteor, comet, asteroid, planet (not probable), etc. Don't think it really has the meaning Nemy gave it (of course you can give a song any meaning you want), but it just doesn't sound like it, besides, the Crusades were most definitely not between Catholics and Protestants but between Catholics and Muslims.