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Hallowed Be Thy Name Lyrics

I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be there's some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there is never an end

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away

Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
Please don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.
167 Meanings
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probably describes the feeling of nearing death, and how you seem to appreciate the simple things a lot more when you understand your time is running out...

:P that's what a gallows pole is - it's where your hanged. Love the live version of this- FANTASTIC guitar solo!

Oh yes and it is hanged by the way, because to hang someone for crime is different to hanging something like a coat :L.

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This is one of the most dramatically intense Iron Maiden songs and it's not surprising it's the band's favorite. To me it's about a man within a prison cell who is going to be executed and he is wondering why he is so afraid of dying since he believes in God and that He will grant him life after death. While he is being brought out of his cell to be hung he really begins to question if God is really real and he is even more scared. However, he knows it's okay that he's afraid since it's only human nature and he still believes that he will live again in heaven. I'm not trying to be preachy or anything I'm just giving my interpretations. Awesome tune,IRON MAIDEN RULES!!!!!

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I don't get where people get a pro-atheist or anti-God message from this song at all. I suppose people are just seeing what they want to see in the song.

With that said, it is very, very clear that the man in the song is a spiritual and/or religious person and not only carries this with him until his death, but embraces it during his final moments and tells others to do the same.

Throughout the song, we see that the man, who is innocent, is quickly coming to terms with his misfortune, only to eventually realize that he really had nothing to be worrying about. The last several lines are actually after he has died, I think (hence the past tense). He telling us that "Life down there (on Earth, a lower state of being) is just a strange illusion, and isn't worth throwing a huge fuss about.

I think the final line tells us that... when we know our time is up, when we are face to face with God (whatever he may be), most of us realize this.

@TheDesertFox I'm guessing from this line: Somebody cries from a cell "God be with you" If there's a God then why has he let me go?

if anything, this song would be anti-death penalty at best.

this line here: When you know that your time is close at hand Maybe then you'll begin to understand Life down here is just a strange illusion.

seems to be that he realizes that life just doesn't matter, but hey, we ultimately see what we want to see in these things. We'll never know unless Iron Maiden has said anything on the...

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The inner struggle of a man whose death is near. Its about religion: he doesnt think of himself as the guilty of his crimes but rather asks why did god allow it to happen if he exists. Bible prolly said that through repentance youre forgiven (and get to heaven as a bonus hehe). The convict here doesnt want to be that humble in the face of death.. at first. He says to himself that he doesnt fear death and only goes "to see the truth". But at the last moments he breaks, screaming "hallowed be thy name", asking forgiveness.

@Durang0 You really nailed it. It's not about an innocent believer who trusts God during his process, it's about a non-believer who tries to "stand tall", like the lyrics on "My Way", trying to be proud but that at the very end, in that final phrase, he breaks and glorifies God as a final act of both repentness and asking for forgiveness while humbly submitting to God.

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

Everyone knows the experience of getting obsessed with a new song in your library. It seems really catchy, and you just can't seem to get it out of your head. Then, a week later, you lose that feeling. You may listen to it again, here and there, but it just isn't the same as when you first got it.

Of course, there's the songs that are different. This is one. If you like metal, from ANY time period, this song is a prayer or anthem. It isn't that kind of song that you like for a week and never listen to again. This is the type of song that you still get chills from, even 20 years after you first heard it. The lyrics, the music, everything.

The lyrics are really yours to interpret, but i think it tells the story from a convicted man's perspective- one in which he knows he is going to die, and there is nothing he can do. No cliche heavy metal lyrics about war or murder or other rather cheesy macho concepts. He is able to find comfort in faith, or religion, or God or however you want to phrase it- but the universally applicable message is there- that anyone can find comfort in something, even in the most dire of circumstances. And with the powerful, churning, crisp guitar backing up Dickinson, Iron Maiden produces a classic metal song that still hasn't been forgotten.

@HardRocker666 what suggests he's innocent? "And though the end is near I'm not sorry" suggests otherwise.

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Desribes the feelings & thoughts of one whose destiny awaits at the gallows pole.

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someone on death row the best Maiden song

You are right the best Maiden song ever, death is the ultimate freedom from this hell called life.

Agreed! :D

My favorite Maiden song, too. The part that says "As the guards march me out to the courtyard somebody cries from a cell "god be with you" If there's a god then why has he let me go?" is exactly the way I feel! :)

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the absoloute best song from iron maiden. love the music, plus the great lyrics. yeah, why is it called Hallowed Be Thy Name?

Because the inmate is praying for mercy as he is hanged for a crime he did not commit.

well, his level of guilt is never specified, but yes, its about praying to god, blaming god, then accepting it

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I disagree. It mentions priests, cells, hanging. Jesus was crucified, not hanged. I also dont think it was about the Salem witch trials because witches were burned not hanged(unless I'm mistaken.). Anyways, great song and I cant beleive people prefer Cradle of Filth to Iron Maiden. Bruce is just plain one of the best vocalists ever. Cradle of Filth is scratchy and just screams, sure its hard to do, but its not amazingly awesome sounding like Bruce.

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I think, and maybe un-intentionally, there is some Crucible/ Salem Witch Trial theme in here...I wouldn't put it past Maiden to make it extrememly unobvious. The song is called Hallowed Be Thy Name for and obvious reason, though. Hallowed is synonymous somewhat and mostly in colonial times with the word "honor" So, the character of this song wants his name to be honored. He wants to be remembered...as we all do.

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