Dream Attack Lyrics
I think it is more than someone not wanting another to leave. I think it is about being in love but not wishing to feel trapped (the lyric "don't want to be owned..") and the dilemma of liking and wanting to be in love (and needing the security and comfort of love) but also needing the freedom and independence and not tied. (In some ways similar to the U2 song: With or Without You).
I think it's about a woman leaving him because he can't, or won't, commit to her. She needs more from the relationship than he will give and he's trying to find excuses why he can't give.
Similar in some ways to "2 out of 3" by Meatloaf ...
Pretty obvious what the song's about - not wanting someone you love to leave, and trying to convince them to stay. But it's a really amazing song.
I think it is more than someone not wanting another to leave. I think it is about being in love but not wishing to feel trapped (the lyric "don't want to be owned..") and the dilemma of liking and wanting to be in love (and needing the security and comfort of love) but also needing the freedom and independence and not tied. (In some ways similar to the U2 song: With or Without You).
I agree with the other posts. It's about human nature fighting itself. People put restrictions and try to trap people they love. He can't be tied down either even though he loves her.
Yeah... like others said...
Its about fight with yourself... figth against your nature... Like in movies "..Never go to war, especially with yourself!"
Its about to be in love... deep love...
Secure and freedom. Love, but not change... love, but not to be owned...
Love is blindness! Love scares!
The Fenix rising, Joy Division down and dark... New Order shine and rise...