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Gun In Your Hand Lyrics

hey whatcha doin?
with that gun in your hand?
now who ya skrewin?
gonna kill your old man.
who gave you the right to play god here?
shootin missles at the countries of the people that did no wrong.
there's a little mama san with her baby in her cradle cryin'
singin why the fuck can't we just get along?
hey whatcha thinkin?
holding money behind your back.
you, you must be drinking.
gonna give yourself a heart-attack
we can't fight all night!
well you won't see me on that fucking front line
i ain't gonna kill no stranger and i ain't gonna do time
because its 1,2,3 that's an innocent life
oh and little sister, sister where's your brother today?
i wish that i could tell you that he's gonna be ok
but i can't and i won't tonight.
i can see a soldier marching off to war.
does he know what he is fighting for?
another soldier gone off to attack
but will he come back?
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

probally one of there best songs.. speaking of the pointlessness and tragidy of war..

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

beautiful song. the last part starting with "we can't fight all night!" gets me everytime. i hate war. and i hate the government for not dealing with shit in more civilized ways. boooooo!

ahh, this song is great. it's definitely about war, but i think it's also about how people don't think for themselves, like in the line "i can see a soldier marching off to war/ does he know what he is fighting for?"

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

He dosn't wanna fight, or go off to war. It just kills innocent people that shouldn't be hurt. and I totally agree with superrstarr. I have this song on my binder. This song really goes along with what's going on today.

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

Hippies... like it or not... war solves probems.

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

War is inevitable, and it's better to get them before they get you, read some machiavelli, he puts it the best. I think his real complaint is that the soldiers are mere pawns, little men, fighting the battle for the bigger men (the more powerful politicians and big businessmen). War will not benefit the soldiers as much as it will benefit the ones giving the orders.

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

I don't think that is what he is saying at all... Its the opposite of the us against them mentality, and no you dont have to get them before they get us... War also does not solve problems... If it did there would be no more war because all the problems would be solved... But they arent.. Im not saying we have to abstain from all war... If I lived in poverty in a country where I die at any time I think I would wan someone to come help me... But the more violence, the more blood will be shed... Thats my rant. No offense to anyone... We all have the right to our opinion

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

All this talk about the ends justifying the means in war, you all have a point. Byt the point of this song is that all that stuff is terrible. Can we all agree on that?

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

"well you won't see me on that fucking front line" I think that says it all. Fuck Bush and other faschist trying to make you kill and die... Think for yourself :)

Cover art for Gun In Your Hand lyrics by Rx Bandits

"gonna give yourself a heart-attack" .. cheney reference? that's pretty funny