Wicked World Lyrics
Money is spent on worthless things instead of going towards helping the human race. Greedy assholes don't give a fuck as long as they have money and power.
I've heard a few transcriptions of the 11th line:
Child sitting crying by a life that's harder Child sitting crying "My life is harder"* Child sitting by a body, life is harder
*I believe it's most likely this one.
it is definitely Child sitting crying by a life that's harder i know this as it is written in my album booklet, and i doubt they would get their own lyrics wrong. <3
This song was made in the 70s and yet it still applies today
I love the live version of this on "Live At Last". The guitar solo is cool.
Amazing work...........by the most legendary band ever
I thought it was "child sitting crying 'bout a life that's harder", but I guess that also makes sense.... Great song though.
this is one of those songs that's so straightforward and simple that it really doesn't need any interpretation. it just means what it says: life is hard, and people have problems.
some of sabbath's later work however, was so loaded with symbolism and abstraction that ozzy himself probably can't tell you what he meant at the time.
Teletubbies ninja fight club!
Teletubbies ninja fight club!