Lost Ones Lyrics
About the acrimonious breakup of the Fugees.
i'm not so sure if the first two people really seem to see the religious undertones (or however you wana say it) in this song. so when she says "man" it means man-kind... like.. not just males.. kinda how in the Bible, many times it just says "men" when it means "humans".
a lot of this seems like she's talking about how people try to say they're right with God or think they are, when they aren't..
this song is so good, and this part:
Every man want to act like he's exempt When him need to get down on his knees and repent Can't slick talk on the day of judgement Your movement's similar to a serpent Tried to play straight, how your whole style bent? Consequence is no coincidence
is truely about how many men think and are socialized to do so in this country, needing to act "manly". It's all about pride for a lot of guys.
I love these lines:
Now don't you understand man universal law What you throw out comes back to you, star Never underestimate those who you scar Cause karma, karma, karma comes back to you hard
(So true, I believe like Lauren that every cause has an effect and karma eventually comes back to you, whether good or bad)
Trying to pretend like your word is your bond But until you do right, all you do will go wrong
(I can't fathom these lines)
I remember the feeling of listening to this when it just came out. It was so nice to hear positive hip hop, like today its not really out there. I wish that she'd make another solo album!!
but isn't she also arguing that the human race in general is far too dominated by masculine principles which so far have just ruined it?
Not sure if this was common knowledge but the chorus sounds exactly like sister nancy - bam bam. Both good tunes.