Pepsi-cola Sucks Lyrics
true... very true
i love this song... but then again i also love pepsi =) so i pretend when they say pepsi it means coke, and coke = pepsi. GWAHAHAH!
pepsi does suck and coke rules so this song kicks ass! die pepsi-cola die!
pepsi cola DIE DIE DIE..YOU taste like poo poo poo! this song kicks alot of ass. it rules balls
pepsi cola DIE DIE DIE..YOU taste like poo poo poo! this song kicks alot of ass. it rules balls
i heart pepsi hardcore.... but i still get a kick out of this song
well both are gross and really bad for you, no one should drink them. They are poison.
i heart coke.
i don't understand this song! what do they mean?! lmao, i'm just kidding.
Oh my god! Pepsi tastes so much better than Coca Cola...anyone with taste buds should realise that.