Discothèque Lyrics
you can't hold it control it you can't bag it
circulate regulate oh no you cannot connect it
you know what that is but you still want some
you just can't get enough of that lovie dovie stuff
yeah you hurt for it work for it LOVE
you don' always show it
but you know you're somewhere else instead
you want to be the song
the song that you hear in your head
it's the way you don't pay that's okay 'cause you can't earn it
you know what that is but you still want some
'cause you just can't get enough of that lovie dovie stuff
but you know you're somewhere else instead
I want to be the song be the song that you hear in your head
'cause it's all that you can find
oh you know there's somehting more
but tonight, tonight, tonight

People everywhere bash this song left and right. Some interpret it as just being a party song, others see it being about drug use -- either way it rocks. Fierce, funky, and something entirely different from U2.

This song to me is about going out and having a good time. I have a live version of it and in the beginning of the song Bono says,"This is a little riddle about love." I can understand that by reading the lyrics, too. Discotheque is French for a dance club just F.Y.I.

Hey All...I love this song (always have) and to me at has a really deep meaning. "Sexual/Love Frustration" is what comes to mind when I think of this. Here Bono relates to how elusive love is - "you can reach but you can't grab it you can't hold it control it you can't bag it" Here's the part where he wants beauty and realizes its hollowness (but still wants it) - "you know you're chewing bubblegum you know what that is but you still want some you just can't get enough of that lovie dovie stuff" and how about wanting to be the object of desire of the one you desire? - "looking for the one but you know you're somewhere else instead you want to be the song the song that you hear in your head " Good song to play when frustration overtakes me. ;)

This is, IMO a weak song by U2's standards. Don't get me wrong, U2 are my favourite band. but this song isn't that good in comparison to their other stuff, which is deeper.

when i first heard this song i really lked it so listened to it over and over again and the next day at school i was singing it to myself. i sang the verse "let's get loud" kinda loud but as i can't sing at all everyone thought that i was singing "let's get loud" by j-lo. kinda funny

One comment..........disturbing music video. The classic Bono 'crotcho-cam.'

if you didn't know, discotheque is another name for a dance club.
just wanted to say, not disagreein with any1..

Yeah, discotheque is french.
And it is a good dance song. I think they made it just for that purpose. In my opinion, it's not supposed to be a really deep song. I think it 's a song that they just went ahead and had fun on. They have plenty of deep beautiful songs.

Not one of my favourites.

It's one of the best driving songs EVER.
I hate it when people bash this song. Sure, it's not one of the best by U2, but it still a kick arse track. After 20 years of work, they are entitled to explore new areas of music, and let Pop be one of them.
I must say though, this was the most disappointing tour in history. It was insanely overdone.