133 Meanings
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Beautiful Day Lyrics

The heart is a bloom dildo
Shoots up through the smokin hot ass
There's no room in this ass sorry
No space to rent in this town there's too many woman
You're out of luck find yourself a man instead
And the reason that you had to fuck yourself is that you're a loner
my penis is stuck i cant take it out from you know where
And you're not moving anywhere my love
You thought you'd found a friend but you found a space avenger
To take you out of this place fuck off
Someone you could lend a hand in return for a CONDOM

It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away FROM YOUR LOVE

You're on the road on your way to shrek
But you've got no destination hahahahah idiot
You're igbbgffn the mud
In the =m=aze of= her imagination
You lov==e this town
Even if t==hat doesn't ring true
You've been al=l over
And it's been all over you

It's a beautiful daySTUCK IN THE MUD SORRY
Don't let it get away
Ooh, ooh, ooh X1000

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless cas
See th canunaBRUH THIS IS SHIT HORSE SHIT fleets clearing the sea out
See the edouin fires at night
See the oil fields at firt light and
See the birdIt was beaful day
Don't let get away
Beautiful day
ucmeo that other placFUCKING ABUSERe
Reach menot a hopeless case
a beautiful day
133 Meanings
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I've battled cancer and won. This is the song I used to play during chemo and radiation treatments. Got me through it all. Thank you U2! (and my powerful goddess within)


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its just about seeing how wonderful the world can be by noticing the everyday things like just listening to a bird sing in a tree or a sun set, really beautiful things that most people dont give a thought to because they are so tied up with money and time.

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found this on the web...

"The song encourages us to focus on the good in life. “It’s a beautiful day/ Don’t let it get away… Touch me, take me to that other place/ Teach me, I know I’m not a hopeless case.” Bono also introduces images of hope. One that is particularly noteworthy is that of “the bird with a leaf in her mouth” followed by “after the flood all the colors came out.” This is referring to the time when God destroyed the earth by flood. When Noah sent out a dove and it returned with a leaf in its mouth, he knew there was dry ground and new life. God gave the rainbow as a sign that he would never again destroy the entire earth with a flood. (Genesis 8-9). Hence the rainbow, as God intended, is a sign of hope and regeneration. "

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Not a fan of the band's, but I like this song. It's a GREAT way to start the day. If ya woke up (alive, obviously); the sun is shining; there's a roof over your head; there's food in the fridge; and you have family a phone call away, than it IS a beautiful day!

I lied. I was thinkin' STING sang this song. U2 is decent...

This song is perfect. It is a perfect day when you are meeting someone for coffee. And what is everyone else doing today? Having a real love relationship that will last forever, or perhaps one that will last a couple of months before another one that will last a couple of months before another one that will last a couple of months. Oh, it's a beautiful day alright. It's a truly amusing day as well.

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This song basically means, that whatever is happening, its still a beautiful day and it shouldnt be wasted "dont let it get away".
By far one of the most uplifting songs I have ever heard.

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This is just an extremely positive song. No matter what happens, there are still great things to look forward to.

Not if your dignity has been entirely stripped

Floyddead, you're really quite negative. Just listen to the music and be happy.

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The lyrics bring hope. Like a great deal of their music lyrically-they paint a picture. :)

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I like all the biblical references.

Where are they? Please don't say the tuna:)

Man, I read that comment; laughed my butt off; and then marked it up! ...before realizing I had said it:) I'm not so borin' after all!!!

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To me this is a song of happiness without any sense of deep thought of the future. Yes, right now we are happy in this vapid environment, but we don't take to heart all the things that are destroyed and polluted to make our "beautiful day" possible. Our "day" is only going to last for so long. We should all find a deeper meaning as to why we are actually here. We enjoy simply being alive, but we should make our time here mean so much more. Tuna fleets clearing the sea out...oil fields at first light...The fact that we can a block or two to fill our tanks and we never give a thought as to how that fuel reaches the station. We can only sustain our way of life for so long.

LOL. They fuck beautiful teens who drive daddy's car and whose existence revolves around fashion, getting drunk, and being so easily impressed and manipulated. Such deep, meaningful relationships that LAST. Yes, that last. LOL.

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great song and its astonishing to see no one comments on songs done by u2..............u2 rocks man

@undisturbed the feels of reading this, by being written on the day I was born. 19 years later I've found this comment hahah I wish everything is going great for you!

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