Ridiculous Thoughts Lyrics
You re a twister an animal
But you're happy now
I didn't go along with you
So happy now
Hold on
Or we're going to have to move on
Move on
And I cried so hard
The ridiculous thoughts
I feel alright
It's not going to happen no
You re not going to make fun of me
Happen no
You re going to have to hold on
Hold on
Or we're going to have to move on
Move on
And I cried so hard
The ridiculous thoughts
I feel alright
And I cried so hard
The ridiculous thoughts
I should ha' lied
Hold on
but you're gonna have to hold on to me

Ok well this is what i think the song is about........
There in a relationship, but his love isn't good, and he doesn't like being close he acts free. So he mooves on without her and he's happy without her, but she wants him to hold on to the relationship and unless he trys, there both just going to have to moove in and apart from each other. Shes caught up in him he's a twister and shes in the whirl.... i think what shes trying to say is ha tes the piss? but shes won't have it no more.... so he either books up his idea's and shows some love or thats it. I think i sence a bit of insecurity in the song to 'ridiculous thoughts'. To me but it's just my point of view....... shes getting so insecure because of him he's made her that way and her insecure thoughts are ridiculous. She should of lied she should of said she was fine, but she couldn't she had to tell the truth of her feelings and she won't let go off him.
Anyways.... lol, fabulous song, one of my fav Cranberries for sure, the beginning her voice omg it gives me chills, its amazing 'ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah' lol brilliant! its just amazing i frickin love it 9/10

If you want to see a really young Elijah Wood, check out Back to the Future II. He's one of the kids trying to figure out how to play the video game in the 80's cafe.

One of my all time favourite Cranberries songs. Reminds me of really really bad love. With someone that sort of twists and turns in the way of can't deciding wether to continue or end a relationship.
Great video by the way.....featuring a very young Elijah Wood

Do you know, that the director, who made the alternative take of "ridiculous thoughts (he made also zombie, ode to my family and i can't be with you) was the director of nirvana's smells like teenspirit clip+ all the videos from green day's american idiot (american idiot, boulevard of broken dreams, holiday, wake me up when september ends and jesus of suburbia)? That is the line between green day and nirvana- sam bayer.he has so wonderful ideas. and that he picked nirvana and green day (and more like blink182 and so on) must mean, that cranberries were and are special.

first of all hi 2 all cranberries lovers ...... i feel trapped ;how cum sum 1 can make such wonderful music??????and why do all good things cum 2 an end... every song is a legend and my fav in a unique way. dolores created her 2 solo albums but i long for the same old band. all the artists i love just forgets 2 sing....why dont they care about their fans??? do u know the titanic song my heart will go on was 1st offered 2 dolores but she refused as she was pregnant wid her 1st child.

Knowing that Dolores was married in '94, that she wrote most of the Cranberries music and how much pain she was in virtually all of her life it's hard take many of these lyrics at face value. They are intense and cryptic and filled with a pain so deep I hope we never know. I love you Dolores.