17 Meanings
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Negative 3 Lyrics

Give me your blood
Your teeth
Your high school pictures
Your words can't begin to
Satisfy my needs

Give me your hand
I'll never
Give you flowers
Your touch can't begin to
Satisfy my

I can't save you
From me this time
You can't save you
Nothing comes between you and I
Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
It's one part you
And three parts me

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
Three parts me

Show me your scars
Show me your broken mirrors
Your dreams can't begin to
Satisfy my

I can't save you
From me this time
You can't hide from me
Can't hide what's inside
In your mind

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
It's one part you
And three parts me

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
Three parts me

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
It's one part you
And three parts me

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
I know you know
It's one part you
And three parts me

Don't know what you see
In my negativity
Always has been
And always will be
Three parts me

Three parts me
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

I always figured it was about (I can't remember her name off the top of my head) that girl who was part of his live act and how she tried to screw him over after he tried to get rid of her (I wanna say her name was Missy, but I'm pretty sure that was who he was with after her).

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

Witchcraft & magic.

His hatred for someone is so intense that he requires their blood, teeth, hair, pictures, whatever, to place a spell on them for the harm that he feels he has been caused by their existence. By casting a spell on this person, nothing can save them from whatever powers that be.

The title and chorus is a reference to the rule of three in witchcraft: when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold.

He has inverted this principle, and is returning threefold the punishment he's been forced to endure to the person who originally gave it to him.

There's more strength than negativity to be heard in this song.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

There's obviously a lot of relationship stuff here, and I think, if there's anything to this it probably fits into this context, but here goes:

The title of the song puzzled me. In the lyrics, the references to "three parts me" reflect an inequality in the relationship, okay. But to make that the title of the song seems to give too much emphasis to a strange metaphor. Furthermore, the song is not titled "3 out of 4", or "3/4", but "Negative 3" which is not the same thing, mathematically, and I don't think it's like Manson to be so sloppy.

I don't claim to understand it exactly, but it occurred to me that numerology and particularly the number 3 come up a lot in Manson's other work, particularly Antichrist Superstar.

From what I've read of numerology, 3 related to perfection or transcendence, to god (or at any rate, divinity), so Negative 3 might be a sort of Negative God, or Antichrist. Manson also has a song called "The Reflecting God"; a reflection seems to me to be analogous to a negative, numerically, and this becomes even more tangible when we apply the concept to a photo negative. (This may be random, but the lyrics do mention "your high school picture", so photos may have been in his thoughts when he wrote this.) And of course, "The Reflecting God" is off "Antichrist Superstar".

Finally, from my limited research into numerology, the number four represents humanity, earth, imperfection.

In this song's lyrics, "it's one part you, three parts me," which suggests divinity (me) being tempered or corrupted into humanity, the transition of three (a divine state) to four (a flawed, human state. This would fit the "destructive relationship" theme. The overall vibe given by the song is that he is abusing her, but it sort of seems like he feels she's a corrupting influence, as well. This would fit with his relationship with Nancy (which he discusses in his autobiography), although I don't know if this is about her specifically.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

Just added a great old Manson song, from his better days...

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

Duh...No one is actually a real Manson fan unless they know this song. This is One of his best fuckin' songs, and no one even fuckin' know it. What the fuck? Is everyone such fuckin' posers these days? love* HeAvEn LeIgH

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuckity fuck fuck fuck See? doesn't mean anything if you use it that much.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

This is a song from the early days. Very good lyrics. It talks about an unhealthy relationship. I think it's him telling about how he wants the girl just to leave him alone. He is treating her bad.. its talks about violence..scars...broken mirrors, blood. And he is controlling. He says its one part you and 3 parts me. very selfish. She is only 25& of the relationship and he is 75%. Not very equal. Wheras a healthy relationship is usually 50/50.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

just heard this song. liked it a lot. sounds really different from manson's current stuff. i think he should do some more songs like this.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson

This one of of my favouite manson songs, better than the new shit he makes now.

Cover art for Negative 3 lyrics by Marilyn Manson


You are ignorant. Just because you want to gratify yourself and think you are the biggest Manson fan ever, you think no one else knows this song? This is one of my favorite Manson songs, so apparently people do know it.