Out Of Blue Comes Green Lyrics
My wings are clipped
See the steps that made me trip
Now I'm so lonely
Time's frozen flame
Seem to linger in the rain
Holding me only
Like a river I'm flowing
And there's no way of knowing
If I'm coming or going
I need something to chain me down
My eyes have seen
For better
Out of blue comes green
I have gone wrong
Work my fingers to the bone
All I've been doing
Proud that I am
To be born into such hands
Your love so renewing
Part of life.. you can't choose it
As I touched the horizon
It just felt like I'd die soon
My eyes have seen
For better
Out of blue comes green

his parents died, and he is looking for support. "Like a river I'm flowing And there's no way of knowing If I'm coming or going I need something to chain me down" he needs someone, but they aren't there. i think the title refers to water. water is blue and it makes plants, which are green, grow. how that has to do with his parents, i haven't the faintest idea. maybe, out of their death, his spirit will grow. sure, why not.

Out of blue (sadness, loss) comes green (happiness, renewal).

Probably the most beautiful homage to ones parents ever. The lyrics seem to suggest that the his parents are gone. There is a complexity to reference to time and water. He must live on, but he feels lost and directionless without them. The second time he refers to his parents it seems that the same memories that hold him back give him strength to move on. One thing That does not seem ambiguous is that there is a great deal of love.
I think anyone who has ever lost a cherished parent can identify with this song. I cry at the beauty of this song every time I hear it or think about it.

I love this song! It's so mellow and the music is really pretty.

I've always thought this song is about the mistakes one makes despite their parents best efforts (the blue) to keep us from harm - and our individual growth we make from the lessens we learn from those mistakes (the green).

This is such a good song. Morten delivers vocals so great, that even the earworm of the song causes goosebumps - every time.
The moment he hits "Don't Matter" his voice gets filled with so much energy to carry the song right through.
My favorite a-ha song has always been "Stay on these Roads", I just love Mortens vocals so much. This song gives "Stay on these Roads" a run for its money.