The Gauntlet Lyrics
I find that a lot of the time, the Dropkicks Murpheys' lyrics don't have TOO much meaning unless all you like to do is get drunk and shout "oi!", but this song, it seems, is just plain about standing up for yourself. Against "the man" or anybody else
ZeeAap, you are retarded. a lot of their songs have meanings. first of all, they don't just get drunk and shout oi! ever hear Boys on the Docks? that has a meaning. it's about a man who was hero to the Irish immigrants. how about Curse of a Fallen Soul? This song is for anybody who has lost a friend to drugs, alchohol, etc. next time you think you want to comment on the best band ever, shut up!
Dont say retarded
Dont say retarded
besides, you got the meaning wrong. it's about friendship and sticking together. notice the part: Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you! We shall succeed Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you!
heh.... you really shoved that back up his ass, psych. Dropkick Muprhys Rule!
hahaha i just love it when people look stupid after saying shit about someones music. i love this song its so damn encouraging, its what id like to call my "kick ass song" it gets me prepared for anything. hahaha im still laughing cus that kid got the stupid shit he said thrown back in his face:)
ZeeAp, you said the song is about standing up against the man, so obviously has meaning, the main porblem with dropkcik murphys is there songs are to repetitive, and the "oi" remark was racist, fag.
why is dropkick murphys so hard to type? I always end up doing something like dropkcik or muprhys. It's weird, because I am not one to do typos... ah, what the hell, it doesnt matter.
dropkick murphys sing lots of songs with meaning and you have to love bagpipes but Glowing, that fag remark isnt very cool, if someone has a different opinion than you it doesnt make them a fag i dont agree with Zeeap and i dont agree with you saying the songs are repetitive, but you dont see me calling names
this song is about warjust read:'all I hear in the distance mines and shells here come the sirens wailing another attack to be repelled do you think we're gonna make it? I don't know unless we try you could sit here scared to move or we could take them by surprise'. I just finished watching Black Hawk Down ten minutes ago so it makes sense to me. Dropkick Murpys rules, i just discovered them, this is the next cd im buyin. Hooray for Irish and Scots!!!! it's submission that they want it's surrender that they need when we're doing it their way their aims will be achieved
The song is about friendship, and standing up to fight with your friends. The greatest thing is having those firends you know'll back you up, andbeing able to stand up with them and fight for what you want. This is such an awesomesong.