Blind Lyrics
Sitting up all night yeah I'm up all night where did my composure go
Everything is racing
Try to understand this
What have I started?
My passion takes advantage
How could I have been so blind?
yet another mistake that I can't retake, blew all of my chances
I'm only dreaming my heart keeps scheming but I could never notice,
Notice that she's something
C'uz it's too late oh it's too late at least I know she's something

this song makes me happy! :D

one of these days, people are gunna listen to this song, and relate it to me, everyones been so blind so far, not realizing how underrated i really am......sigh i love ska

I like their ska. Old school ska its nice. Man everyone can relate to this song, I can at least. You see something so underrated and you just regret letting it go.

This song for some reason just gives me that feeling-- that happy feeling when all the hairs on my neck just stand up... I like the way the chorus is sung.

this song rawks so good.

I think it's about taking your gf for granted. Don't know what you got until it's gone. As always.

This song really hits a special spot. It's one of those songs that you can almost imagine perfectly what's going on--like one of those scenes from a movie like American Pie, Eurotrip, The Wedding Singer or something like that where the guy suddenly comes to the realization of taking someone for granted and chases after her. I just saw this:
on youtube, which I think portrays the scenario pretty well.

I saw the video just yesterday, actually.
It looked cool, and I'd only heard one other song by these guys; Super Orgy Porno Party (saw the video for that too).
This song is great. It's definetly about taking relationships for granted, and realizing how lucky you were after it ended. More specifically, about a girl.
Amazing song. ;D