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Iced Earth – Damien Lyrics 2 months ago
About the Latin chants:

Go to this page and click on the Latin phrases (Mundi universitas flammescorri mi immigreavi), and an annotation appears translating them (World’s university, flames' runs in me, immigrating) and correcting them (Mundi universitas flammas curre in/currunt me immigravi). However, the annotation is unreviewed.

Iced Earth – Damien Lyrics 2 months ago
@[Floe:50053] However, if you type "flamm escorri" into Google Translate, it shows "I ran out of flames". The last word sounds like "cremari": to be cremated, which may be a coincidence.

Iced Earth – Damien Lyrics 2 months ago
I actually watched the entire trilogy, and the song contains a few errors:

1: The actual line from the doomsday rhyme is "...a comet rips the sky..." (but to be fair, Robert Thorn himself gets in wrong in The Omen 1). Furthermore, the conjunction should be "...and the Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die" (not interesting, I know).

2: When I hear "Damien" speak in the song (if not also The Omen 3), he seems to say "wound", not "womb", which can make sense (the womb does not gape; it is too far inside the body, but the orifice could be poetically called a wound).

3: In The Omen 3, Damien clearly says "profaner of vices", which makes far more sense than "profaner of Isis".

4: The final line of the monologue is abridged, as @Aristotle and @raeadhani point out. It makes it sound like Damien wants to avenge the Crucifixion (which could still offend Yeshua). In the film, Damien says, "Satan, I will avenge thy torment."

Hands down, Jon Schaffer did not actually watch the third film, fell asleep during part of it, did not maintain attention, or heard things wrong.

Iced Earth – Damien Lyrics 2 months ago
@[Floe:50050] I have read the same, but when I hear the song, they are definitely not pronouncing those combinations of letters. I did run it through Google Translate, however, and it translated it as "I migrated to the universe of my flames."

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago
@[Snyarhedir:45393] Never mind. At least on the device I am using now, it leaves out the colon after https.

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago

It failed again! I needed to get the https part in there.

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago

Sorry. Something went wrong with my first attempt at posting the link.

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago
@[Snyarhedir:45391] Please disregard my reply "I stand corrected...". I now have a Deutsch grammar book, and judging by what I have read so far, then I am convinced that the narrator is the older sibling, unless the suffix "-lein" also serves as an affectionate diminutive.

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago
@[Snyarhedir:44967] I stand corrected, upon further review, research and thought. Clearly, at least in this context, "Schwesterlein" does not mean "little sister". The translator in question on that website has made some questionable choices (such as translating "schon" as "cute" instead of "beautiful/pretty").

Rammstein – Engel (feat. Bobo) Lyrics 1 year ago
@[Snyarhedir:44949] (Please excuse the question marks; I tried to insert an emoticon.)

Rammstein – Engel (feat. Bobo) Lyrics 1 year ago
This song may illustrate a young child's attempt to comprehend an over-simplified concept of the afterlife, especially when told that Heaven is in or just above the sky and that virtuous human souls become angels, and when unaware that gravity exists not in the afterlife. It suggest that the child may deconstruct the image to the point where Heaven sounds like a nightmare.

Compare and contrast the Modern Family episode where Jay plays golf on Sunday instead of going to church, and he and Gloria give Manny different images of what Heaven is like. Manny does not understand that even if Heaven were on the clouds, souls could not fall through them. Then when Gloria says there are butterflies in Heaven, Manny freaks out because they terrify him.????

Rammstein – Hallomann Lyrics 1 year ago
This is about a pedophile rapist, nothing more, nothing less, as far as I can tell. The rapist lures or takes the victim into its vehicle, offers food and fun (in this case, mussels and french fries and a trip to the beach). The double meaning of the word "Rosenkranz" (see footnote) confirms this above all else. Maybe this was based on a true story of a serial rapist/kidnapper who called himself Hallomann.

(I want to say nothing more about this song. Its subject matter and the way it is presented (too beautifully poetic, without the deprecation, condemnation or blatant horror in their other songs about rape) disgusts me! The only thing that can redeem it is if it is meant to teach a lesson like "Don't talk to/trust tricky strangers [who want to give you something or take you somewhere]".)

Rammstein – Hallomann Lyrics 1 year ago

The Birthday Massacre – Red Stars Lyrics 1 year ago
@[heartsandcrossbones:44948] I read your first parenthetical note and then had to check your username to make sure that I had not made this comment. I am glad to know that at least one other human refuses to use the word "communism" in earnest when referring to Stalinism.

The Birthday Massacre – Red Stars Lyrics 1 year ago
@[Baggie:44947] Well, now I know who voted them down. Please try to respect others' opinions, validate others' experiences, and avoid contributing statements of no value.
Depression is a real problem, but I do not mean to insult your intelligence by implying that you did not already know that.

The Birthday Massacre – Red Stars Lyrics 1 year ago
@[T:44946].C. I never thought of it that way, but now that I've read your comment, I think the pieces do come together.

Rammstein – Stein um Stein Lyrics 1 year ago
I know I've already said my bit about murder, torture and abuse, but I now have another idea.

Some comments here have made an appropriate connection to Stalinism. An excellent music video on You Tube (which I think no longer exists) made an appropriate connection to the Holocaust. I see a connection to the treatment of indigenous peoples of English America. United States wanted more land to settle and "strengthen their economy", and only saw the peoples already living there as obstacles, killing many and relocating the rest, ultimately penning many into reservations with poor living conditions and limited access to natural resources (or so I am led to believe), their fairer and more efficient systems largely destroyed, and bad habits (like drug use and domestic violence) sometimes picked up from colonialism. In Canada, indigenous children were once forced to attend Christian boarding schools where they were hegemonized and physically abused for breaking rules. These peoples are still around, and still bear the scars of what had been done to their ancestors, living in the shadow of the nation(s) that unjustly conquered and tried to eliminate them. And they and their troubles are often invisible.

Rammstein – Zeig Dich Lyrics 1 year ago

I like EduardoSilva's take, but I also see room for more interpretations.

This could be about corruption and hypocrisy in the Catholic Church, if not also other gentile denominations of Christianity.

Note the Latin word "extraspection". Assuming this is a cognate, it implies, in the context of the Deutsch lyrics, that the Church in question is looking for and condemning [perceived] evil without while ignoring any within. Basically, it takes "Halleluja" and expands its scope.

Perhaps the narrator is imploring God to appear and dispel the doubt and confusion, to show what is truly right and wrong, to show who is right and wrong, to reveal the lies and crimes of the religious authorities. (Compare and contrast the final lines of "Sacrificed Sons" by Dream Theater.)

Perhaps the narrator is telling the Church to show itself: to lay bare all its iniquity and confess its sins. ("Show yourself, you coward!")

In partial agreement with EduardoSilva, this could be a Christian questioning or losing its faith, both due to the corruption of the Church (especially its officials' failure to hold themselves to at least the same standards as everyone else) and to perceived broken promises ("Kein Engel in der Not / In distress, no angel", "Kein Gott zeigt sich / No god shows itself").

Rammstein – Zeig Dich Lyrics 1 year ago
@[EduardoSilva:44943] An excellent interpretation. Sad (I am a devout Christian myself), but excellent. I especially like how you managed to see overpopulation there (I, too, believe that humanity is overpopulated, or at least consuming too much land, water and other resources).

Rammstein – Radio Lyrics 1 year ago

I believe that this song reflects the band's childhood in Stalinist East Germany. Everything fits. The first two lines of verse 1 indicate isolation from the free world and censorship. As the song progresses, the lyrics indicate that the narrator listens to foreign stations, forbidden (but poorly regulated) by his country's government, to get a glimpse of a world outside the sad dictatorship. It provides an escape from the over-controlled world in which the narrator lives.

The final words of verse 3 ("No borders, no fences") indicates the ability to imagine oneself in another country.

The double meaning of the verb "stillen" (indicated by the footnotes at the URL I have included) suggests that the narrator relieves one pain (escaping from his own bleak world) while feeding another (a longing to be able to travel to those other countries).

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago
On another note, the situation is specific enough and the details vague enough to indicate that these lyrics are based on a true story or existing work of fiction. I will try to research this at my leisure.

Rammstein – Puppe Lyrics 1 year ago
This song has haunted me since I first listened to it a few days ago. (The chorus reminds me of the spoken part of "Down with the Sickness".)

I agree with EduardoSilva that the narrator is in some way very ill--perhaps mentally, physically or both--and that her (I assume it is a female) younger sister must be a prostitute. Some other things may be more open to interpretation, such as what exactly the doll and the medicine are.

Until I reviewed the lyrics (, I thought that maybe the doll represents the medicine, and that ripping off the head meant opening the bottle and biting off the neck meant tearing away the seal. I now find this unlikely, if not impossible.

It is possible that the younger sister is merely doing everything she can to afford medicine for the older sister; it is also possible that the medicine is actually a poison the younger sister uses to make the older sister sick.

Perhaps the doll is not a doll at all but, more horrifically, a pet.

Rammstein – Mein Herz Brennt Lyrics 1 year ago
I am seeing some very good interpretations that are very dark, and I cannot hold a candle to them. Instead, I have a joke (in both senses of the word) that I already had in mind before reading these others.

I understand everything about the lyrics except the title ones. Why is this character's heart burning? Then it hits me: someone once told me that acid reflux can give you nightmares!

(Yeah, I know it's a lame joke.)

Evanescence – Everybody's Fool Lyrics 6 years ago
For me, this song would be the perfect soundtrack to Jesus's denunciation of the Pharisees (just as long as you put the words "I don't love you anymore" in the mouth of anyone but Jesus)

Elton John – Levon Lyrics 7 years ago
@[Stairwaytoheaven:20179] Why are people voting this comment down while leaving "I love this song" comments untouched?!

Iron Maiden – Infinite Dreams Lyrics 7 years ago
I think that this song may be about "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" by H.P. Lovecraft. I will let the rest of you look it up rather than try to describe it. (I have a bad habit of writing short essays on this site.) I was going to leave this comment perhaps a year ago, and instead made a similar one on Starblind. While Starblind does remind me of the same story (which I read for the first time after having listened to both songs), Infinite Dreams is much more likely to have been inspired by it.

Disturbed – Criminal Lyrics 7 years ago
Tonight I just watched episode 23 (?) of Adam Ruins Everything: Adam Ruins Prison. I was wrong—these lyrics can relate to literally anyone who has ever been in jail (and when I say "jail" I mean legal penitentiary of any kind, not just at the local or county level), especially a parolee or ex-convict. Sometimes, the system is actually rigged against criminals to keep them from successfully rehabilitating. Seriously, for a comedy/educational series, that show can be scary and depressing.

Disturbed – Hell Lyrics 8 years ago
I have been reading Man In The Wilderness by Jack DeWitt, and never before have I seen anything to which the lyrics to this song are so similar. Who else has read or is reading this book? (I will not ask who has watched the movie because I have not and so I do not know how much it leaves out.)

The lyrics could be connected not only to Zach Bass's abandonment and his thirst for revenge for that, but also to his hatred for Filmore Henry for how the latter had shaped him (forced him to suppress his emotions, made him a killer, and so on).

Iron Maiden – Starblind Lyrics 9 years ago
I feel that there may be a connection between this song and the story Beyond The Wall Of Sleep by H.P. Lovecraft, in which an uneducated man has a psychedelic out-of-body experience beyond his comprehension, and the narrator, hoping to understand what is happening to him, joins him; what they experience is almost completely indescribable but nonetheless beautiful.

Otherwise I more or less agree with many of you.

Dream Theater – The Silent Man Lyrics 9 years ago
Oddly, this song always used to make me think of Jason Voorhees. (At the time, slasher films were a recent interest of mine, so it was probably just a case of the "Tetris effect".)

Disturbed – Hell Lyrics 9 years ago
Hell is sort of Disturbed's answer to Rammstein's Asche Zu Asche, and while not as big of a hit than the latter, it is more dramatic.

Disturbed – Run Lyrics 9 years ago
This song would fit Charles le Sorcier (H.P. Lovecraft—The Alchemist) quite well.

Disturbed – Run Lyrics 9 years ago
@[RIgo77:1248] David is the singer, not the narrator.

Rammstein – Stein um Stein Lyrics 9 years ago
Over the past year or so I have been reading stories by H.P. Lovecraft, and The Rats In The Walls reminded me of this song.

Wiener Blut, a song that Rammstein would compose later, actually is about Josef Fritzl, thus ruling out his crimes as the inspiration for Stein Um Stein, but Wiener Blut can have just as much connection to The Rats In The Walls.

I wonder if any of this, or any of Rammstein's music in general, could have been at least partially inspired by Lovecraft?

Rammstein – Sehnsucht Lyrics 9 years ago
Literal word-for-word translations tend to suck in general; used with something like Rammstein lyrics, they often get worse.

Rammstein – Sehnsucht Lyrics 9 years ago
Some have said that "zwischen deine langen Beinen..." ("between your long legs...") is a sexual reference. When commenting on the lyrics/translation videos of You Tube user #lyricsoframmstein, I said that "legs" was probably a metaphor for "trees" due to my limited ability to connect snow or sand to the vagina. (Yes, I know it's awkward.) However, after thinking some more and taking the rest of the lyrics and the album art (if nothing else) into consideration, I have decided that the song is about imprisonment and that the "long legs" are bars on a cell window; the narrator longs for freedom and adventure and does not even have a cell with a view of the outside world.

Rammstein – Der Meister (English) Lyrics 10 years ago
Well, since I have heard that Nazism is completely illegal in Germany, and since the United States government is too stubborn about freedom of opinion to condemn an ideology, your second point is probably right. (The first one goes without saying.)

Rammstein – Der Meister Lyrics 10 years ago
I am starting to think that these lyrics may relate to the cosmic horror genre. Perhaps the Master is a Lovecraftian god or demigod?

Rammstein – Der Meister Lyrics 10 years ago
Oh, and Neon Genesis Evangelion and Pacific Rim should probably count as examples as well.

Iced Earth – Dragon's Child Lyrics 10 years ago
These lyrics could easily be used to refer to something that H.P. Lovecraft wrote about (never mind that Iced Earth by now has a song explicitly based on his literature). After all, all eldritch abominations are basically nature's mistakes, aren't they?

The Birthday Massacre – Blue Lyrics 10 years ago
After having finally looked it up to find out what it was, I think that this song could be a possible allusion or shout-out to Pablo Picasso's Blue Period, considering that he used an overwhelmingly blue color scheme to signify sadness/depression and loneliness and that this song is about those things.

Rammstein – Alter Mann Lyrics 10 years ago
I just finished listening to the audiobook of H.P. Lovecraft's "The White Ship", and it reminded me of this song. It's more of a sad story than a horror story, but still a relatively cosmic one. The message of the two stories may be quite similar. If anyone else here has read or heard it, can they make the same connection? (For the record, I do not really understand German; I have been to and have watched lyricsoframmstein's videos on You Tube, and ended up with a crash course in the language, however. I just didn't feel like posting on the English page.)

Lordi – Blood Red Sandman Lyrics 10 years ago
You know what, lordiforever? That completely explains the inclusion of the words "on this unholy night".

Lordi – Blood Red Sandman Lyrics 10 years ago
Not to mention the part about the people praying that he never comes back, but he comes back anyway, quite possibly in reference to more than one of the films.

Lordi – Blood Red Sandman Lyrics 10 years ago
Here's a fun fact for all of you talking about Jack the Ripper and all of you talking about Freddy Krueger: it's possible that some aspects of the former influenced the latter, so there may be some parallels between the two. The Iced Earth song Jack (Horror Show album) has the lyrics "I am a bastard son, conceived of a hundred men" and Freddy has been described as basically the same thing. I have yet to learn if this is true about Jack, but if it is, then the lyrics JUST MIGHT be a reference to both persons.

Disturbed – The Animal Lyrics 10 years ago
On one episode of C.S.I. (Las Vegas), Gil Grissom says that "werewolf" has its roots in an Old English word for "serial killer", if I recall correctly. (C.S.I. has gotten things wrong before, so I can't say for sure that I believe it. I do find it a little hard to believe that the concept would have existed when the dialect was spoken.)

Disturbed – The Animal Lyrics 10 years ago
I don't know about you but the video reminds me of the trailer for the live-action Red Riding Hood film.

Rammstein – Sonne Lyrics 10 years ago
You may notice something is missing in my previous statement. Sorry about that. I must have typed too much, or maybe I cut and forgot to paste.

Anyway, the song as Rammstein performs it could be used to represent something evil (or at least dangerous) but still glorified, possibly something that actually DOES have a connection to the sun.

The worship of Huitzilopochtli (look up the pronunciation on Wikipedia), one of the most important gods (if not THE most important) in the ancient Aztec religion, fits these criteria perfectly. He was the god of both the sun and war, and in his name the people waged war against neighboring aboriginal nations to conquer them and thus build their empire. (Never mind the fact that the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice—also for Huitzilopochtli if no one else—and cannibalism, since the sinfulness of these actions is debatable and certainly pales in comparison to what their Spanish conquerors would do.) The Aztec rulers had a low approval rating in the conquered states, leading to the latters' revolt after the Spanish arrived.

Rammstein – Sonne Lyrics 10 years ago
Continuing from my last comment ("Song Meaning"), I must add, however, that Rammstein's version of the song is not worthless. The overt darkness of the music makes it perfect for glorifying something evil or—as others have pointed out—the explosion of an atomic bomb.

The song as Rammstein performs it could be a tribute to Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of the sun and of war, and possibly the most important god in the pantheon (possibly even more so than Quetzalcoatl). (Please do not ask me how to pronounce the names if you don't know. They are spelled correctly, so look them up.) The Aztecs fought (Huitzilopochtli also demanded human sacrifice, but waging an offensive holy war for conquest is probably worse, and it was child's play compared to what the likes of Hernán Cortés had in store for them.) The conquered peoples were so unhappy with Aztec rule that they joined Hernán Cortés and his troops to overthrow the Aztec Empire.

Rammstein – Sonne Lyrics 10 years ago
It's entirely true that this song was written for a boxer (whose name I unfortunately cannot remember), as his anthem in fact. The counting to ten and the references to fists, hitting someone in the face and chest, throwing that person to the floor, never going down and whatnot are evidence of this (plus I think it's on one or more of their websites). Unfortunately, Rammstein made the mistake of setting these empowering, potentially inspirational lyrics to disproportionately dark music, which is why I think it was rejected (the official reason appearing to be that it was "too heavy").

Heino's cover, which I much prefer, matches the lyrics with much more uplifting music and would likely have been accepted. (Hands-down I think that Heino's version is far superior for both reasons, although some less objective Rammstein fans have been known to disagree.)

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