John Vanderslice – Pale Horse Lyrics
| 10 years ago
The strange thing is that, while the Mask of Anarchy has a message of nonviolent resistance, the lyrics suggest a much bloodier revolution.
Case in point: "Through the blood THAT MUST ENSUE" vs. "Stand ye calm and resolute/Like a forest close and mute...With folded arms and steady eyes/And little fear, and less surprise/Look upon them as they slay/'Til their rage has died away". |
Dirty Projectors – Offspring are Blank Lyrics
| 12 years ago
As far as I can tell, this is about a relationship that shouldn't have worked, but has gone on to thrive and flourish. Powerful, and also kind of romantic. |
Joe Jackson – Cancer Lyrics
| 12 years ago
Everything you need to know about this song is in the refrain.
To go a little deeper, I think it's a comment on, ironically, the AIDS crisis, as well as the exercise and fitness obsession that swept the world in the eighties. You do whatever you can, but you're fucked no matter what. |
Superchunk – 1,000 Pounds Lyrics
| 13 years ago
I think in the first part of the chorus, the line is "Broadcast failure, like a plastic boat spinning down the drain". |
Bear Hands – What a Drag Lyrics
| 13 years ago
I hear "I'm smearing a BUG in a bottomless pit," which I'm not so sure about, and "You are dragging me down, I am CLUTCHING a tree," which I'm pretty much positive about. |
Soul Coughing – Lazybones Lyrics
| 13 years ago
Especially since the book was published 7 years after the song.
Not trying to be THAT GUY, but just making a note. |
Joni Mitchell – Off Night Backstreet Lyrics
| 13 years ago
One of my favorite songs on "Reckless," but it suffers from the same problem as most of these other songs: it doesn't really end; just kind of runs out of steam.
Basically, it's about being "the other woman". |
Tune-Yards – Killa Lyrics
| 13 years ago
Part of the bridge:
"Would you call me naive and an idealist
If i told you that I am disheartened that in this day and age
I do not have more male black friends?
I cannot take it! I'm so hip. I'm hip like a yuppie is hip.
Confident and yipping at the heels of my yuppie forefathers.
I'M SO HIP!!" |
Super Furry Animals – Sidewalk Surfer Girl Lyrics
| 15 years ago
The last verse is wrong.
What I hear is:
When fun is outlawed, only outlaws will have fun.
She cruised the streets that night, she left home on the run
She never talks to me, thinks that I'm a major yawn
(I can't figure out this part), I ain't no clone. |
of Montreal – Nonpareil of Favor Lyrics
| 15 years ago
I think the best part is the shift from sweet little pop thing to noise rock explosion to strangely effective Beach Boys/Person Pitch homage. |
Why? – Good Friday Lyrics
| 15 years ago
You know it's a good song when you feel something for the narrator, whether it's disgust, pity or empathy for his desperation. |
The Mountain Goats – Satanic Messiah Lyrics
| 16 years ago
Fairly obvious. Half of the U.S. saw Obama as the Devil incarnate, while the other half saw him as the Second Coming. This song seems to mostly take a neutral view, and just takes in the indefinable aura that surrounded him. |
Jimmy Eat World – Sweetness Lyrics
| 16 years ago
IMO, it's about the terror and exhilaration of falling in love. You're worried that something's going to go wrong (I'm still running away; the Sweetness will not be concerned with me) but you still go ahead with it. |
Cursive – At Conception Lyrics
| 16 years ago
It's interesting how in "Bad Sects", the priest is portrayed as the victim, while in this song, he's the offender.
Ween – Boys Club Lyrics
| 16 years ago
You know, if it weren't for the pretty obvious gay undertone, this could easily have been the theme song for some 80s TV show. |
The Books – Take Time Lyrics
| 16 years ago
Does anyone know where the "For the first time in the history of the world..." quote comes from? |
Cornelius – Point of View Point Lyrics
| 16 years ago
Clearly this is a comment on the whole situation in the Balkans, and totally not just the phrase "POINT down left right up" repeated over and over. |
The Divine Comedy – Charge Lyrics
| 16 years ago
Am I the only one who hears "CAMDEN on the left, CAMDEN on the right" as in the "alternative" market in London? |
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