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Type O Negative – The Profit of Doom Lyrics 1 year ago
He is mocking everyone including himself and his band at being profits of doom while appearing as prophet. He shows the method of which they do it, the manipulation of information to scare people into thinking they don't have to live for long, and therefore are more likely not to save or live for the future because it is going to not matter. Religions are especially bad about this. How close is the rapture? Can't you see how things are worse than ever? It could happen literally any second!

Then in beautiful a hook he proclaims something that shows he is the authority or god like, because he was saved from the clutches of the beast, and now sees the light. Classic moves, you see it everywhere all the time, marketers figured out ways of manipulation in the same way, albeit more subtle.

I feel this is retail therapy and why it works because it feels good to not worry and focus on the new, which again, religion offers the power of being reborn, and taps into infinite wisdom.

Maybe in a way Pete is also admitting why he gave in as he got older, just lived most of his life in spite of it, and he is tired. I feel that kind of tired. Being 45 everything hurts and life sucks, even worse before but more of your attention is devoted to actual survival and you are tired of that stupid rebellion that served you well when you had tons of time and energy.

Type O Negative – The Profit of Doom Lyrics 1 year ago
Anyone know what the whispers at the end say?

Puscifer – Vagina Mine Lyrics 1 year ago
Have any of you seen Enemy Mine? I had to look up this song because I just ran across it. The film stars Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr. as a human and alien soldier, respectively, who become stranded together on an inhospitable planet and must overcome their mutual distrust in order to cooperate and survive.

I don't think this was in any of these interpretations and wanted to add that maybe as a tone setter to the song. Vagina being the enemy to the male in this case, that have to work together to survive. Another clue, because we all know it appears to be about needing to eat vagina in order to giving us what we want, which is to come, while also knowing there is a much deeper aspect to another clever lyric.

This album especially you know had to have been cooking for quite a while over years and years of song writing, plenty of time to polish and play out, and refine.

Puscifer – Vagina Mine Lyrics 1 year ago
Have any of you seen Enemy Mine? I had to look up this song because I just ran across it. The film stars Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr. as a human and alien soldier, respectively, who become stranded together on an inhospitable planet and must overcome their mutual distrust in order to cooperate and survive.

I don't think this was in any of these interpretations and wanted to add that maybe as a tone setter to the song. Vagina being the enemy to the male in this case, that have to work together to survive. Another clue, because we all know it appears to be about needing to eat vagina in order to giving us what we want, which is to come, while also knowing there is a much deeper aspect to another clever lyric.

This album especially you know had to have been cooking for quite a while over years and years of song writing, plenty of time to polish and play out, and refine.

Nirvana – Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle Lyrics 9 years ago
@Came from Them Or that extra producer from REM that came in to help Albini...

Nirvana – Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle Lyrics 9 years ago
@[kurtcobain_elvis:3232] Good thinking!
I was always thinking it was another way of saying sink or swim, that old saying...

Nirvana – Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle Lyrics 9 years ago
IMO This is about his wife at the time, Cortney. The title doesn't fit the song at all, but it does fit his fighting with Courtney at the time. Perhaps there is some inside information there about Kurt seeing Court as Frances, like the embodiment of this long lost crush of identification...
Honestly, I think that the lyrics are " are leaving as soon as you get back"
Or even paid, perhaps she was collecting to support the kid.... or the habit to which she blamed on him even...
Why else would he mention to sue him... perhaps child support?
It is incredibly hard with a child, and the relationship can be very spiteful, I can only imagine with those two....
Her false witness is some kind of fake love for him, and acting like perhaps she said some nasty words in a fight with him about how she didn't think the band would make it, or perhaps low blows at Kurt about his habits at the time...
I think in that way, the "I miss the comfort of being sad" has the dynamic of perhaps it would be time to end the relationship with Court and go back to being lonely and sad...
Meanwhile the chick with the venom will burn up Seattle with her wrath.
Perhaps not, but these have always been my feelings since the release and even moreso now that I know a good bit about both Frances and the relationship with Court.

Black Moth Super Rainbow – Windshield Smasher Lyrics 10 years ago
I thought it said "It grows all over it, all over it, all over it."

Lorde – Team Lyrics 10 years ago
Do you guys think that opening line is a quote from her crossroad demon?
How many songs you heard with the lyrics referring to the hounds?
Would make sense given her youth, and sudden success. Right?
Plus it gets pitch shifted down and eerie. All of it is weird, but...

Puscifer – Sour Grapes Lyrics 10 years ago
Imagine, if you will, that YOU are jesus. That everything is going to be evil until you get right with yourself. Divinity is a mirror. Same with this world, and the people in it. Until we get right with ourselves, the reflection will always be hell. That is why we feel emotional response to certain peoples doings, we see ourselves reflected in others, a tell tale of an unconscious state of being. Something we wish to condemn in others, are generally the things we won't allow ourselves to be, and therefore exude it unconsciously. This is the nature of the shadow.
We can sum this up in the presence of one person, Jesus. Or god even, Our ideal selves projected unto a deity, and that which we emulate, worship, or otherwise embody.
If we fear, condemn, hate, despise Jesus, or any man, we don't have the understanding of the change and how it is that others roll with it or resist it, and therefore, we aren't right with ourselves, or them, and likewise locked in hell. A prison of our own making.
Sour grapes parable of course, like the fox says that the grapes were sour anyways, don't let empty cans rattling persuade you into thinking any less than with faith.

Slipknot – Eyeless Lyrics 11 years ago
Has anyone thought that perhaps he was originally going to say; you can't see California without Charlie Manson's eyes?
They also spell it with TWO S's Like SS.
Those are Manson quotes, to an extent. Its all in your head.

Deftones – This Place Is Death Lyrics 11 years ago
I believe he is speaking about himself and his relationship to his subconscious. When we go to sleep, our ego "dies". We submit fully to the state of the subconscious, just like we will do when we die. When the dream state comes around our ego has an interface with our subconscious. Where I hope to discover all of your ways" is a tribute to the ego, trying to align with the eternal nature of our being.
"You open up the covers" kind of obvious he is referring to the layers of masks that cover our true nature.
"You lure me in" The ego does not give up easy, it has to be tricked.

A Perfect Circle – Thinking Of You Lyrics 11 years ago
The song is about vanity.
Maynard always wants to make light of a situation, a sarcasm. "Daydreaming about anal sex" LOL
It makes a funny for those not willing to think.
It is brilliant, really. It is spoken from the egos(conscious) perspective of the subconscious self. The sweet surrender of the ego, allowing the voice of the subconscious to be heard.
It is also one of the sexier songs he has ever done, and it is easy to succumb to the idea of it being about sex. Sex is a key, sex is creation, everything is sex, it is how we got here, it is what consumes our thoughts. It can be difficult to not think about it, really. The deeper your guilt and obsession with sex lies, the harder it is to surrender.

Slipknot – All Hope Is Gone Lyrics 11 years ago
All of the song points to what is wrong with the world, and the chorus shows the true meaning for this song;


This is spoken from the ego's point of view. The ego is our illusion of self, and the aim is to end the world. which means to stop reality as we know it. To do this, we must look at what it is we want, what it is we need. It is a process to know your shadow self, meaning that which you deny about yourself. All of the lyrics point toward what is "wrong" in the world. What is not immediately apparent is that is what is wrong with us. When we stop wanting, and stop needing, the world as we come to know it dissolves. The Elite is our perception of ourselves, the ego. we have seen the fall of it, and what we desire is to die, to keep the elite fallen.
Hope is another word for want or need. When we stop hoping, the world we perceive changes.

I am the Reason your Future suffers
I am the Hatred you won't embrace
I am the Worm of a pure gestation
I am the Remedy SPIT IN MY FACE
All your laws and rules are outdated
All your subjects are killing the kings
I could rattle off a million other reasons why
But does it matter when the only thing we love will die?

Our false sense of self is why these things happen. To see the end of it, we half to tame it within ourselves in order to allow a different future.
Attachment is prevalent here, "when the only thing we love will die" What are we going to do? If you have no want or need, you can allow it to die. The one thing you love, turns into everything being love.

Tool – Eulogy Lyrics 13 years ago
Being Nothing is the greatest single teaching of Christ consciousness.
despite the distraction of the negative conentation
it is all about
you half to sacrifice yourself to ascend to the ultimate being, the 46/2
to evolve.
its really scary, because you leave everyone behind, because hardly anyone is actually already at that level that you commonly associate with.
95% are the sleeping awake.

Faith No More – Zombie Eaters Lyrics 13 years ago
this is patton in a relationship.
Him being aware of the games he plays,
its part of an abusive cycle
pretty common in relationships
he does it for attention, which he doesnt get,
so he wrote a beautiful song about it.

Clutch – 10001110101 Lyrics 14 years ago

Clutch – Spacegrass Lyrics 14 years ago
well, this is the most obvious of any of thier songs, i would they were going to post a thought, but the lit a bong and drifted

Unknown Hinson – Venus Bound Lyrics 14 years ago
this is Hinson, fresh off a fight with his ole lady, huffing gas out in the shed.

Alice in Chains – Down In A Hole Lyrics 14 years ago
This girl, someone Layne felt very passionate about made him feel very comfortable, Like he could tell her anything, though he was scared and worried like always, this girl was different, and he trusted her more than anything, he felt free, and like he could fly, he took that step and opened up, and shared himself, like she asked (the sun) and it ended up burning that very taste out of his mouth, he showed his inner self, and she was shocked, and shut him out forever, due to fear on her part. He never had a good mother relationship, and never could talk to her, hence the womb reference, and at the same time, he looked to this girl as the mother figure, and him wanting to crawl back to that warm comfort that had not been paralleled since the day he came out the womb, and that sun had struck him in the face. his mother is dead to him, hence tomb references, and the flowers being a step toward the very girl who would replace him, but now dead to.

Alice in Chains – Down In A Hole Lyrics 14 years ago
This girl, someone Layne felt very passionate about made him feel very comfortable, Like he could tell her anything, though he was scared and worried like always, this girl was different, and he trusted her more than anything, he felt free, and like he could fly, he took that step and opened up, and shared himself, like she asked (the sun) and it ended up burning that very taste out of his mouth, he showed his inner self, and she was shocked, and shut him out forever, due to fear on her part. He never had a good mother relationship, and never could talk to her, hence the womb reference, and at the same time, he looked to this girl as the mother figure, and him wanting to crawl back to that warm comfort that had not been paralleled since the day he came out the womb, and that sun had struck him in the face. his mother is dead to him, hence tomb references, and the flowers being a step toward the very girl who would replace him, but now dead to.

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