Randy Newman

An anomaly among early-'70s singer/songwriters, Randy Newman may have been slightly influenced by Bob Dylan, but his music owed more to New Orleans R&B and traditional pop than folk. Newman developed an idiosyncratic ... Read more
Song Name   Comments
100 Seagulls and One Shark0
A Bug's Life Suite0
A Career on a Wall/Electronic Suit0
A Father Makes a Difference0
A Few Words in Defense of Our Country5
A Fool In Love0
A New Day0
A New Day: 7:00 A.M.0
A Nice Ride0
A Noble Aims0
A Piece of the Pie0
A Place Where Dreams Come True0
A Spork in the Road0
A Wedding In Cherokee County4
Ah, Love0
Al's Toy Barn0
Albanian Anthem0
All at Sea/That's the Life (Reprise)0
All You Need Sweeten0
Andy's Birthday0
Angel Intro0
Angel Letter0
Angel Motel0
Angel Out0
Angel Shuffle0
Animal Jam0
Annabelle Toodleoo0
Ants Fight Back0
Atlantic City0
Avalon/Moving Day0
Baby and Me0
Back On My Feet Again2
Back to Chicago0
Bad Buzz0
Bad News from Home12
Bank Storm0
Basin Street Blues0
Bath House0
Beat Me, Baby0
Bedbugs Bite0
Bernie Calls Deanne0
Bernie Finds Deanne0
Best Little Girl0
Bet No One Ever Hurt This Bad0
Better Off Dead0
Big and Loud (Part One)0
Big and Loud (Part Two)0
Big Hat, No Cattle0
Biggest Brand in Racing0
Bleeding All Over the Place0
Bless the Children of the World0
Blue Monday0
Blue Shadows on the Trail0
Bo Peep’s Panorama for Two0
Boo Escapes!0
Boo Is a Cube0
Boo Is Tired0
Boo's Adventures in Monstropolis0
Boo's Going Home0
Bret Escapes0
Bret's Card/Sore Loser0
Broken Hearted0
Bud's a Hero0
Bull Bottle0
Burn On8
Burning Down the House0
Burning the Books0
Busting the Guys0
Buzz’s Flight and a Maiden0
Call Me Red0
Can't Keep a Good Man Down1
Carnival College0
Carter Is Blue0
Celia Is Mad0
Change Your Way0
Chase Angel0
Chicken Man0
Christmas in Cape Town0
Circus Bugs0
City Council Debates0
Clef Club No. 10
Clef Club No. 20
Coalhouse and Sarah0
Cocktail (Piano)0
Cold Night0
Come to Papa0
Commercialism Montage0
Coop Sails Away0
Cop Rock (Under the Gun)0
Could You Milk Me?0
Courtroom Out0
Cowboy Sacrifice0
Crazy 'Bout My Baby0
Crazy Arms0
Damn Fine Day0
Dan Higgins0
Danny's Arrival Song0
Davy The Fat Boy1
Dawn in Eagle Rock0
Dayton, Ohio - 19034
Delmonico Polka0
Dexter's Tune0
Dirt Is Different0
Dixie Flyer3
Doc's Painful Demise0
Doctor, Doctor0
Dog Talk0
Don't Come Back0
Dorthy's Secret0
Dot's Rescue0
Dr. Sayer0
Drag Race/Todd and Julie0
Drip Pan0
Drive to Joe's0
Ducky, Bunny and Tea0
Duke’s Best Crash Ever0
Each Perfect Day0
Easy Street0
Eating the Peach0
Emperor Zurg vs. Buzz0
Empire State Building0
End Title0
Enter the Heroes0
Escape Attempt0
Every Man A King1
Every Time It Rains1
Fairy Tale/Going Home0
Falling In Love2
Father and Son0
Feels Like Home2
Fireball Beach0
Flashback and Pit Stop0
Flik Leaves0
Flik's Return0
Flying Poodle0
Follow The Flag0
Four Eyes0
Gabby Gabby’s Most Noble Thing0
Gary's in Trouble0
Giant Peach0
Give Me a Sign0
Glory Train0
Go See Lotso0
God's People0
God's Song (That's Why I Love Mankind)5
Going Home0
Gone Dead Train1
Good Morning1
Good News0
Good Old Princeton: The College Game0
Got My Mojo Working0
Grasshoppers' Return0
Greg Loses Jinx0
Hail to the Chief0
Half a Man0
Hang Together0
Happy Ending0
Hard Currency0
Harps and Angels1
Have You Seen My Baby?1
He Gives Us All His Love2
Headed for the Game0
Heaven Is My Home0
Helen and Julie0
Help from High School (Gonged)0
Henry Goes to Work0
Henry Leaves With McDougal0
Henry's Fired0
Here's My Plan/It's All Right Now0
Hit by Tractor0
Hopper and His Gang0
How Great Our Lord0
How One Longs for Princeton0
I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away0
I Could Love a Million Girls0
I Gotta Be Your Man0
I Know This Story0
I Know Why/Road0
I Love L.A.7
I Love to See You Smile2
I Miss You4
I Think He's Hiding0
I Think It's Going To Rain Today24
I Want Everyone to Like Me0
I Want You To Hurt Like I Do7
I Will Go Sailing No More4
I'll Be Home1
I'm Dead (But I Don't Know It)0
I'm Different2
I'm Dreaming0
I'm in Love Again0
I've Got My Mojo Working0
Ich Gebe Auf0
If I Didn't Have You0
If This Track Could Talk0
If We Didn't Have Jesus0
If You Need Oil2
In a Mellow Mood0
In and Out of Trouble0
In Germany Before The War3
In the Bath0
Infield Folks0
Infinity and Beyond0
Into the Peach0
Into the Sunset0
Iris and Roy0
Is It Michael0
It Was Beautiful0
It's A Jungle Out There6
It's Lonely at the Top0
It's Money That I Love1
It's Money That Matters0
Jack to the Rescue0
James Makes Some Friends0
James' Dream0
Jessie and the Roundup Gang0
Jessie's in Trouble0
Jolly Coppers On Parade0
Joseph and the Russian0
Jules & Michael0
Karen and Gil/Montage0
Kathleen (Catholicism Made Easier)1
Kevin Comes Through0
Kevin's Graduation0
Kevin's Party (Cowboy Gil)0
Knock the Cover Off the Ball0
Korean Parents0
L Dopa0
La Tequilera0
Last Night I Had A Dream1
Laugh and Be Happy0
Laughing Boy0
Let It Shine0
Let Me Go0
Let's Burn Down The Cornfield1
Let's Go Bowling0
Let's Save Woody0
Let’s Caboom!0
Letter from Pansy0
Letters About You0
Life Has Been Good To Me0
Little Boat on the Sea0
Little Criminals2
Little Island0
Little Polenta Is Born0
Living Without You3
Lonely At The Top0
Losing You0
Lost Without You1
Louisiana 192713
Love Story0
Love Time0
Lover's Prayer2
Lower East Side0
Magic Cards, Maybe/Lucky Shirt0
Magic Man0
Main Title (James and the Giant Peach)0
Main Title (Ragtime)0
Main Title (Seabiscuit)0
Make Up0
Make Up Your Mind0
Mama Told Me Not To Come4
Marcela/Agua Caliente0
March of the Protestants0
Marching Band (Medley)0
Marry Me0
Marty and Henry0
Marty's in Trouble0
Masterman And Baby J1
Mater on the Horn0
Maybe I'm Doing It Wrong1
McQueen and Sally0
McQueen's Lost0
McQueen's Wild Ride0
Meet the Angel0
Meet the Fockers0
Meet the Parents0
Memo To My Son1
Mike's in Trouble0
Milk and Cookies0
Milk Bottle0
Money in the Bank0
Monsters, Inc.0
More Clocks0
More Than Words Can Say0
Moving at the Speed of Skunk0
Mr. President (Have Pity on the Working Man)2
Mr. Sheep1
My Country1
My Daddy Knew Dixie Howell0
My Hero0
My Life Is Good0
My Little Buttercup0
My Name Is James0
My Old Kentucky Home0
Naked Man4
Natalie's Theme0
New Orleans Wins The War0
New Road0
New York City0
Night Ride/Accident0
No More Television0
No Umbrella0
Northern Boy0
Off to the Museum0
Oh Bret0
Oh, Celia!0
Old Kentucky Home0
Old Man4
Old Man On The Farm0
On the Beach0
On the Move0
One More Hour0
Only a Girl0
Opening (The Flag)0
Opening Race0
Operation Harmony0
Operation Pull Toy0
Organ Postlude0
Pam's Problem0
Pappy Shuffle0
Parting Gifts and New Horizons0
Pass On Over0
Paul Hardly Speaks0
Penthouse Party0
Please Sign the Pledge0
Political Science11
Pool Party0
Poor Me0
Pre 'Ave Maria'0
Pre-Race Pageantry0
Prepping the Jump0
Press Set-Up/Last Day0
Pretty Boy1
Prologue 1915-19230
Public Leaders0
Public Leaders Chime In0
Pull Over, Now!/Cruz's Racing Dreams0
Putting Boo Back0
Randall Appears0
Randall's Attack0
Ray Laid Low0
Ray/Mama Odie0
Real Emotional Girl4
Real Rain0
Recruiting Duke Caboom0
Red Alert0
Red Bandana2
Red's First Win0
Relax, Enjoy Yourself0
Remember (Christmas) (Harry Nilsson cover)0
Reprise for Tiffany0
Return to Colony0
Reverend Running0
Ride Gambler Ride0
Ride Like the Wind0
Rider In The Rain0
Rilke's Panther0
Robin Hood0
Roll With The Punches1
Rubber Baby Buggy Butlers0
Runaway Stage0
Sail Away7
Same Girl3
Sandman's Coming1
Sarah's Funeral0
Sarah's Responsibility0
School Daze0
Seed to Tree0
Sgt. York0
She Chose Me0
Short People26
Sigmund Freud's Impersonation Of Albert Einstein In America0
Simon Smith And The Amazing Dancing Bear4
Sistine Chapel on Wheels0
Smokey Starts Training/A Blaze of Glory0
Sneakin' Around0
Sneaking and Antiquing0
So Long0
So Long Dad0
Soldier's Mission0
Something Special0
Song For The Dead1
Sonny Boy0
Spanish Buzz0
Spiker and Sponge Come to America0
Spiker, Sponge, and a Rhino0
Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)0
Starting Dead Last0
Stop the Presses0
Storm's Winning Streak0
Strange Things1
Suite from Pleasantville0
Sulley and Mike0
Sulley Scares Boo0
Sun and Wind0
Suspicious Mind0
Take Me Back1
Talk to Jessie0
Tartine de Merde0
Tateh's Picture Book0
Television, Television, Television0
Tell Me Lies0
Temple of Rust-eze0
Texas Girl At The Funeral Of Her Father2
That's the Life0
The Aftermath0
The Ambiguity of Victory0
The Art Book0
The Ballad of the Lonesome Cowboy0
The Ballad of the Three Amigos0
The Beehive State0
The Big One0
The Big Race0
The Bird Flies0
The Blues1
The Car Race0
The City0
The Claw0
The Cleaner0
The Commodore0
The Crash0
The Derby0
The End Title0
The Fabulous Lightning McQueen0
The Family0
The Final Game0
The Fire0
The Flik Machine0
The Frog Hunters/Gator Down0
The Girls in My Life, Pt. 10
The Great Debate0
The Great Nations of Europe1
The Hanging0
The Joke0
The Majors: The Mind Is a Strange Thing0
The Man0
The Natural0
The Newsroom: 7:00 P.M.0
The Old Farm 19390
The One You Love0
The Peach Rolls0
The Piston Cup0
The Pleasantville Theme0
The Princeton Tiger0
The Professional Game0
The Pros Go to College0
The Reality of Miracles0
The Rhino Attacks0
The Ride of the Doors0
The Road to Antiques0
The Scare Floor0
The Scream Extractor0
The Shot0
The Story of a Rock and Roll Band1
The Sun0
The Sweater0
The Time of Your Life0
The Town Copes0
The Unkindest Cut0
The Whammer Strikes Out0
The World Isn't Fair5
There's A Party At My House1
They Just Got Married0
This Is Gonna Be Good0
Three Sheeps to the Wind0
Through the Pack0
Tiana's Bad Dream0
Tickle Me0
To Iowa0
To Joe's0
To the Dump0
To the Hospital0
To the Line0
Together Again0
Tow Truck Miracle0
Tractor Tipping0
Train Ride0
Trash Can Chronicles0
Uncle Bob's Midnight Blues2
Underneath The Harlem Moon0
Unused Score Suite0
Unused Source 10
Unused Source 20
Up Close and Personal0
Use Your Head0
Victory Lane0
Vine Street0
Waking Up0
Walk to Malt0
Walk to Work0
Walter Chronic Arrives0
Waltz for Evelyn0
Wandering Boy0
Ward Five0
Washington Post March0
Waternoose Is Waiting0
Way Off Course0
We Belong Together0
We're Gonna Get Married0
Weekend Musicians0
What About Daisy?0
Wheezy and the Yard Sale0
When All Your Friends Are Gone/Crash0
When I'm Gone2
When Love Is in the Air0
When She Loved Me1
William Brown5
Woody and Buzz0
Woody Bails0
Woody's a Star0
Woody's Been Stolen0
Woody's Dream0
Woody's Gone0
Woody’s Closet of Neglect0
World Famous0
Wrigley Field0
Wrong Cat0
Yellow Man0
You Can Leave Your Hat On0
You Can't Fool The Fat Man0
You Got Lucky0
You've Got a Friend in Me6
Zu-Zu (Ken's Theme)0
Zurg's Planet0