Lyric discussion by illusionofsafety 

WYT: I wouldn't take it actually. Its one thing about spreading your music to other people, i mean, Thrice is doing that right now... but getting on MTV starts to screw up a band and everything. A real punk band on MTV kind of turns them into hypocrites. Punk speaks out against corporate media and such, so why WOULD they be on MTV singing lyrics like that? These are some of the reasons why bands like GC and NFG aren't exactly real punk [please no ignorant groupies come attacking me]. I just wouldn't like to see Thrice like that. Not saying its going to happen, just pointing out it'd be a disheartening thing if it did.

Kahuna: yeah, we're on the same wavelength here, then, sorry if it seemed I was being assholic then. :}

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