Lyric discussion by ckeltner 

Cover art for Dinosaurs Will Die lyrics by NOFX

everybody's close but not quite there. This song is about how the way the record industry is set up. The major labels that exist today take a good band and make them sign a deal that requires them to come out with a certian # of albums (7 record deal) no matter how much truly good material that band has. As a reult, bands dillute the album with filler just because they have to pump out x songs. Its been this way for ever (prehistoric) and will change because of bands like NOFX who don't sign such deals. ...and put on concerts for a dollar ...and bands like NOFX who will put 40 songs on 1 album insteaad of making us fans buy three. Oh yeah, and the broke VHS bands...where does thier maoney go...please -- snort, snort.