Lyric discussion by Musichick21 

Cover art for Little Things lyrics by Good Charlotte

I personally think that this song is pretty cool. I also just want everyone to know that I listen to punk/emo/people who call themselves punk/country/pop/oldies/alternative/default/ and everything inbetween.... I personally don't see the REASON of putting music into groups.... I say you put music in your own group... The songs you like and the songs you don't like. I think sometimes people don't like a certain genre of music because it's not "cool" or it's not "uncool." Ya'll need to think about that.... sometimes people try to be so uncool and punk that they don't know who they want to be. If you want to wear camo and tube socks WEAR IT and the next day if you feel like a low cut shirt and tommy jeans WEAR IT! Be YOU... don't let yourself be catagorized. Some people who claim they are punk say they are punk because they are different. In some cases that is true but if you really think about it.... all punkers are pretty much the same. So really they aren't that different. They all like the same music wear the same clothes. I have lots of punk friends and they are cool, I also have friends who still listen to NSYNC but do I not hang out with them because of the music they like? No... Yes Sex Pistols/Anti Flag/The Dead Kennedys and cool but I think Kenny Chesney/John Mayer/and Sugar Ray are cool too. My friends don't always agree but that's their oppinion. If you guys like GC... thats cool... it's STILL cool if you like punk or whatever else you are listening to. Be yourself.... listen to what you WANT to listen to. Not what your friends listen to..... not whats "cool" or "uncool" or "punk" come on guys.... in the end does it even matter? ugh.... That's the most I've ever said.... haha... peace

You Rock, you just said everything that needed to be said. If you we'ren't a girls, i would want to date you. Anyway, perfect comment.

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