Lyric discussion by PJ10 

amunkey, its not that they cant cope with the fact that theyre homeless, its that they cant cope with life. most people with process schizophrenia (they develop the disease slowly throughout their life, usually starting at puberty) end up homeless. youre right on about the 'thoughts like butterflies'. the main symptom of schizophrenia is disorganized, illogical thought processes. if youve ever met someone who suffers from this disease, its scary how easily you could imagine them being the person in this song.

I honestly think yours is the best interpretation, but i wouldn't limit it to schizophrenia. I would say all mental illness. I think an important part that everyone seems to miss is that the man dies in the end. He sits there, homeless, and dealing with his illness and no one has the heart to help him. They slowly watch him die.

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