Lyric discussion by rambamslam 

for all of you dumbasses that have no clue what the fuck you are talking about... anyway...this song is about one the guitarists brother who committed suicide. when they say "grab a brush and put a little makeup" that was when the brother of the gutarists got up and probably took a shower and came out then put on colone and some deodarent . when they say "hid the cross and faseaway the shake up", he ment that probably the brother must of been religious but his parents did not want him to. "why did you leave the keys up on the table?" would probably mean that he was always ordered around. "i dont think you trust in my self rightious suiside" ment that he was probably threating people to commit suiside. "i cry when angles deserve to die" ment that everyone was sad to see the person die."in my self ritious suiside" means that is how me died. there. now you lil fuckers just found out what the hell this sonf means.

"one of the guitarists brother who{sic} committed suicide"? first of all, there is only one guitarist, so "one of the guitarists" wouldnt apply here. second, stop acting like you know exactly what you are talking about; If you can't grasp basic grammar, i doubt you do. Like was stated before, the song is most likely about the crucifixion of jesus. Id assume that the verbatim quotation of some of the last words of christ would hint at that. even if you despise christianity(like I), no one would be so bold as to mock someone's agonizing torture...

AuntieEm&UncleSam; you legend:)

no, the band even said it wasn't Christian. I mean, come /on/ System of a Down /Christian/? I'm not meaning insult here, but I'm just sayin, a band like this having a christain song just wouldn't make sense. I'll admit there are a lot of things in the song that can /easily/ relate to Christianity, and if you want to believe that, it's cool with me. however, I do not like people going around saying "My opinion's right so back the fuck off" and offering no back up on why they're "Correct" and the other's are "Wrong" albeit, that's almost...

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