Lyric discussion by J.J. 

This is a pretty accurate biography of the famed Russian priest, Gregori Rasputin. The song says it all, Rasputin was part of the Russian's Czar's inner circle, and gained a lot of political influence due to his supposed miraculous healing powers.

When Czar Nicholas went off to fight the Japanese, Rasputin and the Czar's wife (the Russian Queen) became very close, due to Rasputin's alleged powers that the Queen believed could heal her son, the Prince, who had some sort of deadly disease. It is widely believed the two had an affair at some point during the Czar's absence.

Finally, because of all the reasons listed in the song, the other Russian politicos tried to kill Rasputin repeatedly, through poison, drowning, and finally shooting. He is infamous for taking a long time to die, supposedly because of his close connections to God.

@J.J. The deadly disease was haemophilia, inherited by male children from their mothers. It prevents the blood from clotting, so a tiny bruise can result in the patient bleeding to death. Rasputin, like all faith healers, succeeded up to a point and did help the little boy to feel more confident.

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