Lyric discussion by Truck05 

Cover art for Paradigm lyrics by Avenged Sevenfold

I believe that this song has more of a deep personal meaning, at least for me. Throughout the song Matt speaks about “what it’s like to be a man.” I like to think that it’s himself asking these questions while on his path to adult hood with the real world crashing down on to him. In the chorus of the song, he’s yelling to his own parents for guidance but they’ve been negligent of his needs. You can tell in the final chorus as he yells to both of his parents saying, “Mother, oh father. Have you lost that boy you used to know?” Signifying his entry into adulthood straying away from his early childhood stages where everything was peaceful. Now the boy is in a hurtful world begging for help from his parents who just don’t see it.

Coming Of Age
Family Relationships
Personal Growth