Lyric discussion by riverdragon66 

Cover art for Love Is The Answer lyrics by Todd Rundgren

To those who not only say this ISN’T a Christian song, but vilify Christianity, I ask you to please not conflate true Christianity as exemplified by Christ Jesus with the vile, commercialized, adulterated garbage that is most of modern Christianity and indeed most of the history of so-called Christianity since the “great apostasy” that occurred after the death of the apostles near the end of the first century that Jesus prophecied would come. Indeed, the message of this song is universal, but it has so many terms from and references to the Bible that it isn’t a stretch for Christians to take it that way. Also, Jesus had a unique perspective different from prior religions and it wouldn’t be right to not give him credit for his breakthroughs related to love being the answer. Light of the world, for instance. Also, one of you said something about something existing before Jesus, but he is the firstborn of creation, existing before the angels and he was his father’s master worker in creating the universe billions of years ago at the very least. It is true, in my opinion, that most religion is a snare and a racket, but not all. Some Christian’s are more than nominal and live by the love that Christ showed. As far as him coming to the earth to save us by dying for us not making sense as someone said, it makes perfect sense if you actually read the Bible. It is spelled out clearly. Adam, a perfect man, lost his perfection and life and his children inherited sin and lost out on living forever. Jesus, another perfect man, had to die to balance that out. To pay the ransom. He did that out of love. The life of the man, Jesus, who was born with no knowledge of his pre-human existence, until he was baptized and had his memories restored by his father, actually died for all time as a human for all mankind. There is no greater love than this. The Bible also calls out false Christians and they will be reckoned with when all false religion is destroyed and when Christ Jesus rules as King over all the earth, love will be the answer. The Bible has been misrepresented and used for so much badness, but that isn’t Jesus’ fault. All the sins perpetrated by false Christians and other false religions will be undone under Christ Jesus’ millennial rule. It’s a beautiful thing.

[Edit: Typos]

My Opinion