Lyric discussion by mcouzijn 

Two positive forces are presented in the first part of this song:

  • Margot's goodness of heart, her compassion with a little cat, whom she nourishes as if she were its mother;
  • the boys and men's fascination with this (no doubt) beautiful sight, with its erotic overtones, which is quite a natural attraction without any ill-will; Margot does not feel taken advantage of.

These two positive forces then give way to a negative, destructive, cruelly violent force: the village's women burn the cat, they burn Margot's more-or-less 'child' - just because it distracted their men's attention.

One could see this as a crime that must be punished, or even revenged. But no. Things settle, time elapses, Margot no longer draws the men's attention.

It is not far-fetched to conclude that the negative, vengeful force has won.

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