Lyric discussion by Kingofstilport 

With this song, Saxon addresses and explores the theme of near-death experiences and the uncertainty and introspection that come with facing mortality. The song describes a person having an out-of-body experience, watching themselves from above as they confront the possibility of leaving their current life and transitioning to an unknown realm. A guardian awaits to guide them towards the astral plane as they stand on the precipice at the liminal space between life and death, where critical decisions must be made. Here they see the circle of light, signaling a pivotal moment that could mark the end of the current existence. It is the moment where one can choose to ascend and be judged or go back to their life to live another day. The person grapples with conflicting signals as they hear voices telling them it's not their time to depart, yet they feel the pain and the looming threat of the surgeon's knife. The internal struggle between acceptance and resistance to death is depicted vividly, emphasizing the emotional complexity of facing mortality.

Ultimately, the song captures the intense emotions and existential ponderings that arise when one confronts the circle of light, symbolizing the boundary between life and death.

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