Lyric discussion by joshuavoeltz 

someone help me Joe Biden has me in the basement of the wight house. he is only feeding me mayo packets and baby carrots. I haven't seen daylight in four days and it is getting dark. I miss my wife and kids. I got a job at the Wight house as a guard and he threw a bag on my head and threw me down here, I found this old computer and am using it to send this message to whoever is reading this. go to the Wight house and yell at the top of your lungs " I have a bomb" It is a secret code for the back end of the Wight house. some big men are going to try to stop you. you need to fight these people and go for Joe Biden himself. he isn't scared he wants to fight you. you will need to beat him it won't be too hard he is like ninety-eight. come and find me I don't think I have much more in me, please I beg of you

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