Lyric discussion by Compelled2 

My first post never did this before..

Hello everyone. Peace, mirth and much more to you this day and all your future ones. I am Katie and today I told a local radio (weeu) host after hearing the song Christine he played for his wife that I want a song. I said alls I have is ki ki ki katie and some other one about being straight but is really gay. I said there's a bazillion girl name songs about their gloriousness except mine. He said he's got to do a commercial break and will have me a song when he gets back. I thought 🤔 yeah right there is none. Well I guess I'm wrong. Do you know of any? I don't know what the meaning or catalyst behind this song is because I didn't write it nor do I know who did. However it doesn't seem particularly mystical and leaves me with the impression that it's a life lesson to everyone. It makes me think of the movie Shallow Hal and how people mature over time. The things that we thought had great importance when we were 22 may not govern our actions when we're 35 and might even be laughable and thrown on top of the heap of all other not important anymore things when we're 58.

Be well my friend and be good to you! ☮️💙♾️

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