Lyric discussion by cmwkings33 

This song is very occult which can only be understood thoroughly using that world view. Personally I think occultists are bad people who control a lot more than people wish to think about, in fact the entire world. (Yeah know tin foil hat and all) but look at the world around us turn pure clown. Anyway, here's the meaning or spell that was cast. When the pronoun She is spoken it is in reference to humanity or the world in general. Lady Fantasy is an allegory for Lucifier or the New Age of Man or the great reset if you wish. The sun and moon references are the left right paradigm (politics, racism, etc or simply division Hegelian Dialectic). The sunbeam is the gnosis or knowledge, the light of Lucifer. He is also the prince of air thus the moon cloud and finally the whirlpool. He's walking because the whirlpool represents chaos on earth caused by him. Spinning out of control. Several other layers about control and the third eye, from the corner of my eye (3rd eye). Why would anyone be looking at the moon sideways out of the corner of their eye? Cleverly hidden esoteric mind control. I realize people are going to read this and say I'm bat crazy. I'm targeting the very few that realize what this comment conveys. Word to the wise, research the people writing this, the band, it's history and the other songs or works. It reveals everything.

[Edit: grammar]

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