Lyric discussion by Monolop 

I think the song is about how theres this guy who likes this girl a lot but cant do anything about her problem, they match together like "a hand in a glove" but knows that he cant help her.

There is a study that says that people who walk fast tend to be the type of person that are intense and can easily get unhappy, also a typical symptom of depression is reflected by reduced walking speed, So that is the meaning of the line "She's on the go, way too fast and way too slow".

"She gets dressed up like a pillow so shes always in bed" means that she is constantly sleeping and another sign of depression is oversleeping.

Im not sure about the "she turns to stone/stops at hospitals and funeral homes" because its a bit too vague but i think it means that she stops at those places because hospitals and funeral homes are usually where people are ridden with the problems of life and death, and shes there standing still staring at those places thinking she might be one of them soon.

"And when the fog rises Somebody sighs who is not in disguise anymore" is basically saying shes high masking and that when shes alone / cant be seen then she lets out her true self of being tired of reality.

"Now shes walking backwards" being backwards is a derogatory term for a person that is perceived to be making less intellectual progress or developing more slowly, and its a fact that depression actively leads to a detrimental development of the frontal lobe, ultimately affecting intelligence and lowering IQ.

"And when the tide rises, somebody sinks and is gone in the blink of an eye" I think the "tide" is a metaphor for problems/thoughts and "sinks" means that theyre full of the pressure of the thoughts and problems which causes them to be "gone in the blink of an eye" which means that she'll take her 0wn life because when someone 0ffs themselves you never really are able to see them again.

"flowers for the sick and dead" sick can be taken as mentally ill or about to pass, not to forget the "see how the hands go, waving goodbye." and i mean you only say goodbye to someone when theyre leaving.

Im sure its implied that she does have depression because depression is associated with death and its sprinkled throughout the song.

Yes ive done the research just to write this long thoughtful explanation because im tired of seeing someone just think the song is just about "the protagonist feeling like time is passing by too quickly and he's forgetful when he looks at his partner. " like no??? thats such a lazy explanation for a well thought song.

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