Lyric discussion by marek1987 

A man falls in love with a girl he met on the street, perhaps in a store, a bar, or a museum. She works there, and he keeps coming to talk to her under various pretenses. Although he doesn't say anything directly, you can sense that he wants to deepen his connection with her. She probably understands what's going on, but she's not inclined to get involved as she does not consider him as a good lay for her. However, its hard to her to say it in a rude way. Nevertheless, he manages to get her phone number and they meet a few times. She remains distant almost all the time and asks him questions that indicate her growing negative attitude towards him. Why do you come here? What do you want from me? Why do you do it when you see how hard it is for me to bear it? Why do you send me nice and stupid messages? When he doesn't stop coming, she decides to explain that she wants to end the acquaintance with him, as he had been unnecessarily hopeful, and she just wanted to see how much he cared, how far he would go, what he would do for her, but nothing more.

[Edit: corrected]

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