Lyric discussion by TheDimReaper 

Cover art for Self Care  lyrics by Penelope Scott

To me this song is a take on how social media has effected the view of “self care”. Over the years especially since the growing popularity of TikTok the self care trend has been a popular topic. Self care has been completely normalized through social media, and while this is a good thing it ignores that for different people have different ways of self care, and that some self care methods are unhealthy. This can be seen in the lyrics “do drugs, have sex, tell your deepest darkest secrets to your friends” and when that type of self care is used too often or at all it can lead to people getting hurt. This song also highlights how we “still listen to people in the back row” which I think means that we still take peoples advice even though they know nothing about us or our lives. This phrase and meaning also plays into the social media aspect.