Lyric discussion by x83 

'this wooden stake this thing has got me on' - clearly the witch individual wanted to cause harm and evil, and possibly chris had involvement that that originally looked attractive but was clearly not the answer and he didn't like it after he had all of the information...unfortunately after he may have had some level of involvement - possibly even against his free will....if witchcraft was indeed involved. feeling as if it was a 'wooden stake' - leading to covet, ruin, demise or...even....death. who really knows tho. the mother thing - that still confuses me. mother(fucker?) meaning is possible and angsty possibly relative to the situation....or mother...maybe even relative to...mother love bone? or possibly mother...being like feminine creator, as in...females who create children are obviously mothers....but certainly...this has such a negative certainly doesn't represent the divine feminine or the beauty in mothers who carry eternal and very pure unconditional love for their children. possibly relative to just a super super evil woman with an 'idea' creation that turned out to REALLY be a bad idea and terrible creation from his point of view....

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