Lyric discussion by Mleporati999 

Holy Shnikies! Okay... its 2023 now, right? And I know I am SO friggin late to the party on this one.... but here we go... I just watched a documentary on Blade Runner, right?.... and there is this scene that was, not exactly deleted, but altered, to say a slightly different line; So, when Roy approaches Tyrell, and Tyrell asks Roy, "What do you want?" And Roy says, "Iwant more life, fucker..."... and the scene was actually altered to say "I want more life, father..."..


....and yes, okay, I was drinking ... but, it suddenly occurred to me.. Holy SHEEIIT.. White Zombie's song, 'More Human Than Human' is about friggin Blade Runner... oh my god.. the whole song! (insert brain exploding).... so it's like 1:00 in the morning when this happens the other day, right? And I run in the bedroom and I wake up my wife and I tell her, "Huny Bunny! Wake up! The song More Human Than Human by Rob Zombie is about Blade Runner!" And I wait for a response, and then she groggly wakes up, and rolls over and looks at me with this irritated disdain, and goes, "No shit you fuckin' nerd." (Sigh) Ah, Love.

But yeah. Blade Runner. Bingo Bango. Rob Zombie's a genius.

  • Mike Leporati
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