Lyric discussion by Zenarcher 

It's about a sense of innocence and wonder, as well as the dichotomy between pleasure and pain. The first stanza paints a peaceful scene of an innocent world that is waiting to be explored. The narrator offers to take the listener there and be there for them, catching them when they fall and smiling as they climb.

The second stanza acknowledges the harshness of the world, comparing it to a baking Sahara day and ancient hills crumbling into clay. The repeated refrain of "pleasure and pain, no loss no gain" highlights the duality of life, with its joys and sorrows, and the idea that one cannot exist without the other.

The lyrics also touch on the idea of control, with the narrator acknowledging that they can't control their outward feelings and that the colored lights are leading them. This suggests a sense of surrender to the unknown, which may be both thrilling and frightening.

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