Lyric discussion by movietango 

Cover art for My Neck, My Back lyrics by Khia

There’s no comments on this song! Oh man, this song was like a black sheep; just playing it to where people KNOW you know what you’re doing, might get you some weird looks and a few lost friends! But it’s worth it! This song is what women would be singing and talking about if they were like men. But they’re not, at least most of them, so they are disgusted by this song. But I don’t see it that way; this was the ultimate women’s power song; Khia says f*ck what you think, I like dick and I also know what I want so what’s wrong with that? She knows exactly what she likes, what she wants, and she ain’t ashamed to admit it. I don’t know why this song isn’t more appreciated. I used to get aroused by this song. Why? Cause for me, there’s nothing sexier than a woman who isn’t afraid of her sexuality and knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to tell you all of her desires…

You keep strong Khia! You the woman!