Lyric discussion by movietango 

Has anyone seen this song in the movie, “Body Brokers”? It gives new meaning to this classic.

Anger is an energy! What the f*ck does that mean? I don’t know, I doubt anyone does, but it sounds cool and deep and introspective. Sometimes you don’t really know what the hell you’re trying to say but you say it the best you can. I guess anger is an energy, like nuclear fuel is an energy. It works and it’s very powerful but if you don’t contain it and prepare for every contingency then it can be beneficial. But I’ve never seen anger used as a positive energy. I’ve seen people transform their anger into something beautiful but that’s not an energy. Well I guess it is an energy, it’s just not something I’d want to do all the time. It would get pretty draining and end badly for you probably. Anger is an energy but it’s not sustainable.

@movietango oh yeah, I got off track…

This song plays in the movie “Body Brokers” in 2 very contrasting scenes. It really speaks to the core of our being. I could do something and it could work out perfectly for me; or I can do something and it will blow up in my face and destroy my life. You never really know which one will happen, you can’t control life, but you’re cursed to do it anyway. So you might as well enjoy it and make it fun!

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