Lyric discussion by Theflyer 

Cover art for The Poisoned Well lyrics by Quasi

This song was absolutely about Elliott Smith. Ironically, Quasi owed whatever career they had to Elliott. All of it. He let them follow him around the world on tour, hired them to back him on tour, let them open up for him. Everyone in Portland knew it was about Elliott but after his suicide, suddenly the message changed and oh, it was about the music industry because it’s all fun and games writing songs about someone, mocking them for being depressed and working that into his writing and music until the guy who helped build your career takes his own life. Then it’s not so funny anymore I suppose. Sam was asked specifically if this song was about Elliott and he didn’t deny that it was, he only said that it could apply to other musicians as well. But it was written shortly after they claimed Elliott tried to jump off a cliff and later had an intervention with him (that didn’t go well). So yeah, it’s about Elliott. Yes he played it with them live several times because what better way to say “f*ck you” than to play it with them while you can look the writer in the eyes while doing it KNOWING that if you didn’t let them open up for you, nobody would ever hear them play it at all. I’d say that’s a masterful way to respond to a song written about you that’s trying to mock you.

@Theflyer in the words of sam himself: “peace and love” :)