Lyric discussion by Larpskur 

I've read a few other people analyze these lyrics and there seems to be an emerging agreement on what these lyrics probably mean:

The 'brothers' are love and truth, or the logical mind serving as a ground in contrast to empathic love.

"If you open my chest you see that two chests are beating, falling out of sync. There's the one I accept and the one I believe in. Which one drew you in?"

This leads me to believe the singer is actually talking about two different sides of his own psyche, or his personally held beliefs. It also hints that he is harboring complex feelings of love towards someone else but he doesn't know if he can trust them. "There's a punch and a kiss and I'm trying to remember."

It's definitely a song about passion. It's a song about the contrast between two ideas that someone wants to believe in, and the pain that comes from knowing that the ideas might contrast each other.

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